
Tuesday 16 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-10-2018: World Food Day

16th October, 2018.

Yes: I’ve officially got an earworm, this morning.

If you didn’t want to know the tune that’s banging around my head?


I’m going to play it to you, anyway … !

Have some Propaganda … 

You’ve got to admit, it’s just a bit … lush … !


Oh, one thing … 

You’ve possibly realised I’m glued to Dr Who.

You’re right: I am.

Episodes one and two are looking rather good.

It’s ALSO occurred to me … that both episodes are rather cinematic … 

Definitely, I think … 

I mentioned how The Woman Who Fell  o Earth was a nod at The Predator: but neglected to mention I felt The Ghost Monument took a central plot point — a large scale chase — from The Cannonball Run.

Which is why I mentioned them both, this morning.

I don’t think they’re blatantly nicking plot lines.

But merely doing lifting the very basic ideas — a long term chase for money, an alien hunter — and do a very Doctor Who spin on them.


I like that … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 16th October is World Food Day.   Humans use two methods to secure food: hunting and gathering … and what else?
Q2) There’s five major taste groups: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and … what?
Q3) A tandoor is a kind of Indian clay … what?
Q4) A toque blanche is a type of het: worn by whom?
Q5) Finally … Kopi Luwak is world’s most expensive … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 130 years ago, today, saw the From Hell Letter was received by investigators: with a 15th October, 1888 postmark.   Which killer — supposedly — sent it?
Q2) The letter was sent to George Lusk: head of the Vigilance Committee: in which part of London?
Q3) The letter included what supposed to be half of a human … what?
A3) Kidney.
Q4) The letter is on of the few supposed to be genuine.   How many are there?
A4) Three: the From Hell letter, the Dear Boss and the Saucy Jacky.
Q5) Finally … From Hell — the film — was based on From Hell, the graphic novel.   Both were based on the killings that inspired the letter.   Who wrote — wrote, rather than drew — the graphic novel?
Here’s a thought …
“This much thou hast taught me: that I should learn to take food as medicine. But during that time when I pass from the pinch of emptiness to the contentment of fullness, it is in that very moment that the snare of appetite lies baited for me.”
Saint Augustine of Hippo.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Well, the hours should get better, Olga: two of the new starters, and one long term staffer have been laid off.   And I think I’ve been to parties like that.   By the time the dancing started, people were ready to go home.   (That’s a good thing: my dancing is … well, I’m not what you’d call Nijinski … !)

†        It’s rather good, Debbi, isn’t it?   I’m thinking there’s possibly a movie thing going on … :D  (Oh, I saw a joke, the other day.   ‘I saw a film about burning French cars, today.   It starred Burnt Renaults.’    Sorry, sorry … )


  1. Q1) Agriculture and animal domestication
    Q2) Umami (savoury or meaty… I am wondering why this does not sound familiar to me).
    Q3) oven
    Q4) Chefs (I read it is disappearing)
    Q5) coffee
    I'm pleased about the job thing, although I hope you get something more regular and with better hours in the meantime.
    I decided to wear some flat shoes to the party but the sole came unglued, so not good for dancing (although they had espadrilles on offer for women wearing high heels, but they had disappeared by the time my shoes malfunctioned. They were quite old though...)

  2. Oh, God! *groan*

    1. farming
    2. savory
    3. oven
    4. professional cook or chef
    5. coffee

    BTW, ideas aren't copyrightable. Only the way they're expressed in tangible form.

    There are only so many story ideas, and writers nick them from each other all the time. :)


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