
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th October 2018

17th October, 2018.

Yep: the Man Booker Prize has been won by Anna Burns.

Good for her: £50, 000 prize money is always appreciated.

Personally, though … ?

I’ve got one question.

How is it Britain’s major literary prize has never gone to a science fiction, or fantasy novel?


It’s long since been the case the SF doesn’t — with a few exceptions* — get Oscars.

It’s still the case with something like the Booker.

We?   Are in a ghetto.



One good bit of news for SF fans?

Is ratings.

Or, at least, those for Dr Who.

Jodie Whittaker’s first episode had total viewers rated at … 10.9 million.

The best for an opening episode since Christopher Ecclestone’s debut, Rose.

Well done them!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five and Debbi on four..

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 17th October is the feast day of Saint Ignatius of Antioch.   He’s usually depicted either in chains … or surrounded by which big cat?
Q2) The 17th is ALSO the International Day for the Eradication of … what?
Q3) 17th October, 2018 — today — sees which country legalise the recreational use of cannabis … 
Q4) Johannes Kepler spotted a new stellar object, on 17th October, 1604: in the constellation of Ophiuchus.   What WAS that object?
Q5) Finally … the London Beer Flood happened on 17th October, 1814.   The brewery the flood started at has long since gone.   What theatre now stands on the site?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 16th October is World Food Day.   Humans use two methods to secure food: hunting and gathering … and what else?
Q2) There’s five major taste groups: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and … what?
A2) Umami.
Q3) A tandoor is a kind of Indian clay … what?
A3) Oven.
Q4) A toque blanche is a type of hat: worn by whom?
A4) A chef.
Q5) Finally … Kopi Luwak is world’s most expensive … what?
A5) Coffee.   (It comes out of the wrong end of a civet cat.)
Here’s a thought …
“I know I’m in the exceptional position of having money but I didn’t have it for many decades.”
Cameron Mackintosh, born 17 October 1946.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That includes 2001: A Space Odyssey, possibly the best science fiction film ever made.

†        Well … I’ve had to turn down a job, yesterday, Olga: in Witham.   The money they were offering wouldn’t have covered the transport costs.   But I ALSO had the phone interview, as well: for a very local job.   Here’s hoping.   Think I’ve got espadrilles, myself: what occasionally get called plimsoles.   They’re VERY comfortable … (I think Umami got made up …)

‡        Yeah, thought something like that was the copyright case, Debbi.   Still … it’s nice to it confirmed.   (I don’t think it’s nicking … I THINK the technical term is ‘Homage!’   Ahem!).  Sorry about the joke, I REALLY couldn’t resist it … !   “Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired.”   “I don’t like soccer.   I’m just playing for kick …”


  1. Q1) A lion
    Q2) Poverty
    Q3) Canada
    Q4) A supernova
    Q5) The Dominion Theatre
    Yes. Espadrilles are comfortable, as long as it's not raining, as the soles start sucking up water and you end up exercising your legs more than expected...
    The book prizes... The booker is never won by any genre books, at least as far as I remember. They are always "literary fiction" for lack of a better name. Genre books have a bad reputation, in general, although they are the ones that make huge money. Don't get me started on horror... (Some of the film adaptations of some books might do well, but it is rarely the case and they don't normally command much respect). Kubrick could make interesting movies in any genre and did not care too much about such things... (The Shining comes to mind as well, although I know some people dislike it enormously).
    Here in Spain, we had the Premio Planeta awarded on Monday, here in Barcelona. It is the biggest (by prize money) book award in the world (€600000) but they do go about it in a completely different way. They go with books with commercial potential and it is mostly awarded to well-known authors, and it results in a big increase in sales. The winner this year writes historical fiction (set in the Roman Empire) and has sold over a million copies of his books (in Spanish, of course), so they are playing a safe bet. He is also one of the authors of the publishing company (Planeta) so... Hey-ho. For what I've heard, there are no real surprises and people are approached plenty in advance about it. It seems if you are selling a lot of books they might offer you a nomination as an enticement to sign for them (mind you, sometimes they then proceed to kill your book, if it is in strong competition with one of their potential best-sellers).
    Oh well.
    I hope you get good news about the local job.
    Fingers crossed!

  2. Ugh ... double groan! :) Puns are either the highest or lowest form of humor. Or is it humour? :)

    1. leopards
    2. poverty
    3. Canada
    4. SN 1604
    5. the Dominion Theatre


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