
Friday 19 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19th October, 2018

19th October, 2018.

Yep, it looks like I’m going to have to be going into Wilko’s today.

Or possibly Poundland, depending on which I reach first.

As the lightbulb in my lamp went, last night: when I was writing about more episodes of The Man in the High Castle.

It’s lucky it happened the day before payday.

It means I can get a fresh one … without waiting … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mr Strict† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, with Mr S on 3.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Hanns-Martin Schleyer was found, dead, in the boot of a car: on 19th October, 1977.   He’d been kidnapped and killed, by members of what: the IRA, RAF or ETA?
Q2) 19th October is one of the feast days of Saint Frithuswith: also known as Frideswide, Frideswith, Fritheswithe, Frevisse or simply Fris.   She’s a patron saint of where: Oxford University, Cambridge University or Hull Polytechnic?
Q3) 19th October, 202 BC, saw the Battle of Zama take place.   This saw a Roman force led by Scipio Africanus beat an army led by whom?
Q4) 19th October, 1987, saw panic selling on the London Stock Market: after a crash on Wall Street.   The day became known as Black … what … ?
Q5) Ferdinand 2nd married Isabella 1st: on 19th October, 1469.   The subsequent merging of their kingdoms paved the way to the creation of Spain.   Which of the pair ruled Castile?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 18th October is World what Day?
A1) World Menopause Day.
Q2) The first cat to be sent into space was sent on 18th October, 1963.   By which European country?
A2) France.
Q3) Lord Alec Douglas Home became Prime Minister on 18th October, 1963.   He was the most recent member of what to be PM?
A3) House of Lords.   (It’s pronounced Douglas HEWM, so you know.)
Q4) Carlo Gambino, the late Mafia boss, was buried on 18th October, 1976.  The Gambino crime family, the group he led, was headquartered in which city?
A4) New York.
Q5) Finally … ?   18 October, 1870, saw the birth of Daisetsu Suzuki.   Suzuki mostly wrote about various forms of what: Shintoism, Buddhism or Christianity?
A5) Buddhism.
Here’s a thought …
“No problem exists in isolation, one must first reduce it to its basic components, then tackle each component in turn.”
The Mission Song, 2008, by John Le Carré, born 19 October 1931.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Well, it if hello’s there’s a Wikipedia entry about literary fiction, Olga, if that’s any help!   It’s ‘…  fiction that is regarded as having literary merit from most commercial or “genre” fiction.’   I know you, Debbi, and one or two other writers, who have perfectly acceptable grounds for being offended!   I think whoever wrote this article has a point: genre fiction’s in a ghetto … 

†        Morning, Mr S.   How ARE we finding Facebook … ?   :D

‡        Given the talk about orbiting space junk, Debbi, I’d love to find out!   Orbiting cat poo, frightening thought … Olga mentions that the cat was put down, three months after coming back: I can see why … but it’s still sad ….  (Oh, did you ever read The Demolished Man, the book in the Guardian article I mentioned to her?   It’s a very good police procedural …)


  1. Q1) RAF
    Q2) Oxford University
    Q3) Hannibal Barca
    Q4) Monday
    Q5) Isabella (Isabel)
    Regarding literary fiction, I'd like to be able to say that we'd be ignoring the comment while we laughed all the way to the bank, but in my case, it would be the bank the one to laugh. Here we had some weird shenanigans with a spotlight (the light didn't blow up but the glass plaque did, although it still worked). According to my mother, it has been there for a long time, so perhaps it just decided it was time to have a hissy fit.

  2. I haven't read that one. It'll have to wait its turn. :) I'm overwhelmed with reading these days!

    1. the RAF
    2. Oxford University
    3. Hannibal
    4. Monday
    5. Isabella 1st


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