
Saturday 20 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th October, 2018.

20th October, 2018.

It’s true … 

I’m replaced that bulb … !

And it’s now shining away like the shiny, switched on, thing it is.


What DOES get me, though?

Was pricing.

I got two bulbs, in Poundland, for two pounds.

The same type of bulbs, in my local Sainburys?

As a two pack?

Four pounds.

Four whole pounds.

Fou … 


Double the price.

You tell me … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The city of La Paz was founded: on 20th October, 1548.   It’s in which South American country?
Q2) Maurice Bishop was assassinated on 20th October, 1983.   Mr Bishop was the Prime Minister of where?
Q3) Governor Evelyn Baring declared a state of emergency, in the wake of the Mau Mau Uprising: on 20th October, 1952.   Governor, Emergency and Uprising were in which country … ?
Q4) 14th October, 2011, saw who captured in the small, Libyan town of Sirte?
Q5) Finally … ?   20th October, 1973, saw the UK visited by which religious leader?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Hanns-Martin Schleyer was found, dead, in the boot of a car: on 19th October, 1977.   He’d been kidnapped and killed, by members of what: the IRA, RAF or ETA?
A1) The Baader-Meinhof Gang, also known as the Red Army Faction, or RAF.
Q2) 19th October is one of the feast days of Saint Frithuswith: also known as Frideswide, Frideswith, Fritheswithe, Frevisse or simply Fris.   She’s a patron saint of where: Oxford University, Cambridge University or Hull Polytechnic?
Q3) 19th October, 202 BC, saw the Battle of Zama take place.   This saw a Roman force led by Scipio Africanus beat an army led by whom?
A3) Hannibal.   (Also remembered as Hannibal Barca.)
Q4) 19th October, 1987, saw panic selling on the London Stock Market: after a crash on Wall Street.   The day became known as Black … what … ?
A4) Black Monday.
Q5) Ferdinand 2nd married Isabella 1st: on 19th October, 1469.   The subsequent merging of their kingdoms paved the way to the creation of Spain.   Which of the pair ruled Castile?
A5) Isabella.
Here’s a thought …
“I’ve lived here for 20 years and I have been a citizen for 10 years. I hope I am a good one. I know I don’t take it for granted. I feel I am an awfully lucky person to be an American and I think that every naturalized American and every person born in this land should kneel on his knees every morning and utter a prayer for being an American.”
Bela Lugosi^, 20 October 1882 — 16 August 1956.
And a song …

(Apparently?   He’s real …)

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I forgot who said, Olga‡: but there was a line doing the rounds, one that said “The best way to rob a bank is to own one …”.  What CAN I tell … ?   As for the lightbulb cover … ?   Well, it could be a hissy fit.   Or a poltergeist.   If things start floating around the front room … … 

†        It’s worth a go, Debbi‡!   I’ve just got The Left Hand of Darkness started, to be honest.   It’s the fiction bit of science fiction from Ursula LeGuin.   The ‘aliens’ are a species of humanity that change sex, every so often …

‡        Oh, I’ve got a standardised text I use for the Teaser: obviously!   I’ve adjusted it, this morning: so that when you names first appeal, people can click on them, and go to your websites.   Is that OK? It only seems polite …

^        Somehow, including Bauhaus seems the thing … 


  1. Q1) Bolivia
    Q2) Grenada
    Q3) Kenya
    Q4) Muammar Gaddafi
    Q5) The Dalai Lama
    Thanks so much for the click through thing, Paul. You're a star! I loved Papa Jones video.
    And coming up to Halloween I'll keep a watch on the poltergeist front (I keep thinking I should write a horror novel or story, so perhaps that would be the right kind of inspiration). As for the bulbs... It is scary the amount of margin they do make, although I imagine the bigger the company the more costs (although also the more power to cut purchasing prices). I bought (and got installed) triple glazed windows a couple of years ago (I'm sure the buyers of the house will enjoy them) from a well-known and "reputable" company. I wasn't that fussed about buying them, and they took that as a tough negotiation tactic. They started quoting me £10000 for double glazing, and it ended up in £2500 for triple glazing windows, so just imagine... (of course that was taking financing, but I cancelled it after a month to avoid the interests..). They make their own windows, but still...

  2. I do have the book you mentioned on my list. It's just buried under others by now! :)

    1. Bolivia
    2. Grenada
    3. British Kenya
    4. Muammar Gaddafi
    5. the Dalai Lama


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