
Tuesday 2 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd October 2018

2nd October, 2018.

Well … 

Well, he says, in the introductory video … 

As you know … ?

I’m having trouble at work: a lack of shifts* if you didn’t know.

And, to be completely honest, last night, I think the stress was … not doing my mood much good.

I made sure I watched a movie: the 2012, Neil Jordan directed, Byzantium.

Which helped my mood: which was looking bleak.

I’m expecting it to look bleak, again.

But … ?

Am very aware I’ve a condition that can be nasty, in these situations.

That doesn’t mean it’s in charge.


Just as a last minute piece of news?

I’ve just found out that comic book artist, Carlos Ezquerra, has died: of lung cancer.

British science fiction has lost an icon.

The man co-created Judge Dredd, along side a host of other 2000AD characters.

He’ll be missed … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) US studies were published that showed cannabis caused various forms of brain damage: on 2nd October of which year?
Q2) 2nd October is Independence Day in Guinea.   Guinea is on the west coast of which continent: Africa, South America or Antarctica?
Q3) Theophilos succeeded Michael 2nd, on 2nd October, 829, AD.   As emperor of where?
Q4) Julius Henry Marx was born on 2nd October, 1860.   Which of the Marx brothers was he?
Q5) Finally … Which US President suffering a stroke on 2nd October, 1919?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 1st October is World Vegetarian Day.   Vegetarians don’t eat what: meat, grains or fruit?
A1) Meat.
Q2) Which Christian group recommends vegetarianism: Anglicans, Roman Catholics or Seventh Day Adventists?
Q3) Which Roman writer backed vegetarianism, in his book, Metamorphoses?
A3) Ovid.
Q4) If you’re a lacto-vegetarian, you eat dairy products … but not what?
A4) Eggs.
Q5) Finally, if you don’t eat any animal products — milk, eggs, honey, what have you — you’re not just vegetarian, you’re … what?
A5) Vegan.
Here’s a thought …
“Success is more dangerous than failure, the ripples break over a wider coastline.”
Graham Greene, 2 October 1904 – 3 April 1991.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*       The one upside to the shift situation?   Is the simple fact I have this Sunday off and will catch the opening episode of Dr Who, series eleven.

†        I’ll pass those on, Olga.   Enjoy the film fest!   (You might find Byzantium worth a go: mind you, Neil Jordan films usually are …)

‡        I’ll pass this on, Debbi!   She’s on my Facebook friends list, if you’re interested.


  1. I'm short on time today but just wanted to send you regards and positive thoughts. I've had dark moments, but as a psychiatrist I know I have not been truly depressed and have seen how destructive it is. I'm thinking of you.
    And I agree with you on Neil Jordan. Never a boring film out of him (even the less successful ones are worth watching). I'll be on the lookout for Byzantium.
    More movies today.
    Do take care. Thinking of you.

  2. As you know, I've been through my share of dark times.

    Hang in there, Paul! You have friends. Take it easy on yourself. It helps. I know. :)

    1. 1974
    2. Africa
    3. the Byzantine Empire
    4. Groucho Marx
    5. Woodrow Wilson


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