
Wednesday 31 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-10-2018: Halloween

31st Halloween, 2018.

Nope: I think I’m not a good ghost.


Having a sheet over my head, whilst going ‘Wooooooooooooooo’ is possibly right … 

Although the chief qualification — being dead — is not me.


At ANY rate … ?

I’ve a day off, tomorrow: which means I can catch a scary movie … 

Unless I do turn into a ghost, between now and then!


As a brief aside … ?

I noticed this piece on the BBC’s news site, yesterday.

Apparently, one worker at the US Geological Survey has a bad habit of visiting pornographic websites.

Quite a few of which can infect the machine he’d’ve used with various forms of malicious software.

And some of which … ?   He’d saved to his phone, and an unauthorised USB stick.

I’m thinking a couple of things: I know the company I work for blocks a lot of porn sites.

Partly to stop staff getting — ahem — distracted.

And partly because many of these sites represent a security risk.

But I’m wondering … why the USGS’s IT section … hasn’t blacklisted as many of those sites has possible … 

Yeah … 

Go figure … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 31st October is Halloween.   2018 see the release of the eleventh film in the Halloween franchise.   Who plays Laurie Strode, in the movies?
Q2) More to the point, what’s the name of the villain of the Halloween franchise?
Q3) The original Halloween film was released in 1978.   And directed by whom?
Q4) That director also made a meteorological film: one released in 1980, and set in the small Californian town of Antonio Bay.   What was that film called?
Q5) Which spooky Tim Burton film stars Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane?
Q6) Burton’s produced, or directed, a few creepy films.   Which Burton produced film is about the adventures of Jack Skellington … ?
Q7) Moving on … ?   What’s the name of the scary Netflix series set in Hawkins, Indiana?
Q8) Which Pink Floyd B-side famously features a lot of screaming … ?
Q9) I Eat Cannibals, and Dracula’s Tango were songs by whom‡ … ?
Q10) Finally, and famously?   Stephen King didn’t like the Stanley Kubrick version … of what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 30th October, 1501, was the date of the Ballet of Chestnuts.   The Ballet was a notorious feast held by whom: Niccolò Machiavelli, Cesare Borgia or Lucrezia Borgia? 
Q2) Orson Welles broadcast a famous radio play: on 30th October, 1938.   A play based on which novel?
Q3) The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, or GATT, was originally signed: on 30th October, 1947.   It was the precursor to which UN body?
Q4) The first EU member to recognise the State of Palestine, did so on 30th October, 2014.   Which EU member was it?
A4) Sweden.
Q5) Which province voted — narrowly — to remain part of Canada: on 30th October, 1995?
A5) Quebec.
Here’s a thought …
“You don’t have to be dead to enjoy Halloween.   You just have to have a liking for candy^.”
Anthony T. Hincks.
And the scariest piece of movie music ever written …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s another film I’ve not seen, Olga: apparently, Christopher Ecclestone is … rather good!   I know what you mean about bodies, too: we’re all flats, down here.   Although there’s a new block going up, around the corner: whether you could still hear someone’s heart under all those concrete slabs … … … … … 

†        I’ll look forward to that, Debbi!   Oh, sorry about the amount of questions!   It’s the usual special occasion … !

‡        They were the first modern girl band I can remember seeing, with I Eat Cannibals being their biggest hit.   Beyond that?   They didn’t do too well.   But I can’t help think the Spice Girls, Little Mix, the Saturdays, possibly owe them a favour …

^        As one person I know on Facebook put it?   It’s the one time of year where we can buy a ten pound bag of sweets and no one thinks its a ‘massive red flag.’


  1. Q1) Jamie Lee Curtis
    Q2) Michael Myers
    Q3) John Carpenter
    Q4) The Fog
    Q5) Sleepy Hollow
    Q6) The Nightmare Before Christmas
    Q7) Stranger Things
    Q8) The Great Gig in the Sky
    Q9) Toto Coelo
    Q10) The Shining
    Oh, you must watch Shallow Grave. I'm sure you'll love it. Very dark sense of humour. Yes, Christopher Ecclestone is good in it. Well, all of them are.

  2. Arghh! It's Talk Like a Pirate Day for me! :)

    I'll include a link to my review in my sig line here. It'll be on Random & Sundry Things. It's a bit tongue-in-cheek, just so you know! :)

    1. Jamie Lee Curtis
    2. Michael Myers
    3. John Carpenter
    4. The Fog
    5. Sleepy Hollow
    6. The Nightmare Before Christmas
    7. Stranger Things
    8. Careful With That Axe Eugene
    9. Toto Coelo
    10. The Shining


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