
Thursday 1 November 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1st November, 2018.

1st November, 2018

Yes: it’s taken it’s own sweet time.

But, yes: Terry Pratchett’s Watch series is coming to fruition.

Personally … ?

I’m looking forward to it.

Although I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed it’s being produced by BBC America.

To me, it sounds like the show will hit the States — a market he found difficult to crack— before it hits Sir Terry’s native UK.

But … ?

Who am I to judge?

The interesting thing?

Is finding out who’ll be cast in key roles.

Personally, I think I’m like many of us.

I’ve got my ideas about key characters*: and can only hope the actors chosen match that.

We’ll just have to see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Olga on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st November is Calan Gaeaf.   In which country of the UK?
Q2) 1st November is ALSO All Saints’ Day.   Who wrote The Feast of All Saints?
Q3) 1st November, 1966, saw Viet Cong guerrillas bomb the capital of South Vietnam.   What was that capital?
Q4) The first US president to live in what’s now called the White House, was moved into it on 1st November, 1800.   Who was that President?
Q5) Finally … ?   A fire at a chemical plant in Switzerland, on 1st November, 1986, saw toxic chemicals released into the nearest river.   What WAS that river?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 31st October is Halloween.   2018 see the release of the eleventh film in the Halloween franchise.   Who plays Laurie Strode, in the movies?
Q2) More to the point, what’s the name of the villain of the Halloween franchise?
Q3) The original Halloween film was released in 1978.   And directed by whom?
Q4) That director also made a meteorological film: one released in 1980, and set in the small Californian town of Antonio Bay.   What was that film called?
A4) The Fog.
Q5) Which spooky Tim Burton film stars Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane?
Q6) Burton’s produced, or directed, a few creepy films.   Which Burton produced film is about the adventures of Jack Skellington … ?
Q7) Moving on … ?   What’s the name of the scary Netflix series set in Hawkins, Indiana?
Q8) Which Pink Floyd B-side famously features a lot of screaming … ?
Q9) I Eat Cannibals, and Dracula’s Tango were songs by whom … ?
Q10) Finally, and famously?   Stephen King didn’t like the Stanley Kubrick version … of what?
A10) The Shining.   I liked it, myself …
Here’s a thought …
“The forces which displace continents are the same as those which produce great fold-mountain ranges. Continental drift, faults and compressions, earthquakes, volcanicity, transgression cycles and polar wandering are undoubtedly connected causally on a grand scale.”
Alfred Wegener, 1 November 1880 – November 1930.
A song composed by birthday boy, Roger Quilter …

And THIS tune … As it’s All Saints Day … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I know any series about the Watch will mention its commanding officer, His Grace, His Excellency, The Duke of Ankh; Commander Sir Samuel Vimes.   I always think the Commander looks like an old boss.   Paul Kidby, who did the Discworld covers for so many years?   Based his Vimes loosely on Clint Eastwood: a version that, to me, looked vaguely like Paul Darrow, who played the character on stage.   Sir Terry, on the other hand?   Said that Sam Vimes looked like Pete Postlethwaite … 

†        You know, it’s handy I’ve got a night off, Olga: I’ll have to see what’s in the collection.   Or how much is in my iTunes account!   Saying that … ?   A horror film seems the thing, right now: given I missed Halloween … !   (Did you ever see Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later?   That’s one HELL of a film!)

‡        Nice review, there, Debbi!   Oh, Ryan managed to catch the spiders: he played a lot of Grime at them.   (It’s UK rap: Stormzy and Skepta are big, but there’s a couple of tunes by the Streets I like.)


  1. Q1) Wales
    Q2) Ann Rice
    Q3) Saigon
    Q4) John Adams
    Q5) Rhine
    Oh yes, indeed. I love 28 days later. I also loved Sunshine by Danny Boyle with Cillian Murphy as well... (Scary and beautiful at the same time)

  2. I remember he caught them, but then ... what? They just locked them away and forgot about them?

    And what the spiders in Sheffield? Or wherever else they might have gone? :)

    1. Wales
    2. Anne Rice
    3. Saigon
    4. John Adams
    5. the Rhine River

    Glad you liked the review, though! :) I think the show really does harken back to the old episodes. I like that.


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