
Friday 5 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5th October 2018.

5th October, 2018.


I’ve officially had work phone me: to ask me to work, today.

Wouldn’t you know it.

They’ve done that … 

On the same day I’m due to get my boiler fixed … 

My mood, lifted last night by a good film — the David Bruckner directed, The Ritual — is ruined …

Oy … !


You can bet I’m having something of a weird mood … 

One thing I AM looking forward to … ?

Is Sunday.

Shifts being what they are?

I’m off, Sunday.

So I’ll have a chance to catch that first episode, as it’s broadcast.

I’m … 

Hoping it’s good.

And not as silly as some of the publicity … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Forces led by Cyrus the Great captured Babylon: on 5th October, 539 BC.   Cyrus ruled what was then the Achaemenid Empire.   The Empire’s now what: Turkey, Iran or Syria?
Q2) More to the point, what’s left of Babylon are where: Turkey, Iraq or Syria?
Q3) Forty-eight members of the Order of the Solar Temple cult were found: on 5th October, 1994.   In which European country?
Q4) The Beatle’s debut UK single was released: on 5th October, 1962.   Which single was it … ?
Q5) Finally … ?   Which country overthrew its monarchy, and declared itself a republic, on 5th October, 1910?
Here’s yesterday’s questions‡ and answers … 

Q1) 4th October, 1883, saw the founding of what: the Scouts, the Boys Brigade or the Pathfinders?
A1) The Boys Brigade.
Q2) Which experimental space plane was launched on 4th October, 2004?
Q3) British Rail’s Intercity 125 went into service on 4th October, 1976: operating between London and where … ?
A3) Bristol.
Q4) John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum started work on Mount Rushmore: on 4th October, 1927.   Name any one of the one of the presidents on the mountain.
A4) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln.
Q5) Finally … The extremely right wing British Union of Fascist clashed with protestors: on 4th October, 1936.   In the Battle of where?
A5) The Battle of Cable Street.
Here’s a thought …
“If you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean.”
Ray Kroc, founder of Mc Donalds, October 5, 1902 – January 14, 1984.
And, as it’s the Beatle’s debut B-side?

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’d imagine, Olga, the first thing a film producer would do, would be to make sure of the languages!   Weirdly, the Spanish language version of the trailer I’ve found on line … ?   Is using a Windows interface … !   As for the boiler … ?   It sounds like your tenants are having issues … !   Hmmm … Did you managed to check if there was a copy of the manual, onsite?   Is there’s a pay-as-you-go gas meter at the flat?   Has it got cash on it, if there is?   Oh, and was the gas disconnected, after the last occupants moved out?   (We deal with social housing tenants at work: and usually, when tenants move out, the gas is disconnected.   The various different landlords take different amounts of time to reconnect it.)

†        That’s another one to keep an eye open for, Debbi!   Let me know when the podcast goes live!   (Oh, Sunday should be good.   The opening episode’s being simulcast: and is on various channels at 1:45, ET.)

‡        I am still loving the green highlights Mojave’s using.


  1. And, yeah, you’re right, Debbi: Hollywood’s a bit of a git … !

    (Oh, Dune’s due for a remake. I’m … well … )

  2. Q1) Iran
    Q2) Iraq
    Q3) Switzerland
    Q4) Love Me Do
    Q5) Portugal
    It is only a water boiler, as there is no central heating in the room. Now,I am up to date with all the bills and everything is connected. No, here we don't usually meters that work with coins (I don't think). The lodgers transfer the bills to their name and the process is reversed once they leave. No, the boiler is brand new. But the guys who installed it went yesterday and they are convinced that probably the tenants tried to switch it on with either the gas or the water tap not open, and that seems to have caused a blockage, that requires the boiler company technician to have a look. It sounds as if it will require resetting the boiler and I hope it is nothing more serious, but there will be further delay. The funny thing is that I decided to get a new boiler installed to avoid problems if we repaired the old one and further delays. As it is evidently under guarantee, if there is a fault they'll have to either repair it or replace it, but I hope it can be sorted to avoid further inconvenience to the lodgers. The problem with the lights wasn't sorted either so... (That is not a major problem, though, as it is only one socket and the lights in the balcony, but an electrician has been called as well). Best laid plans, I guess. I wanted to have everything important renovated to avoid issues, but there's never any guarantee. Sod's law and all that...
    I hope your own boiler issues are sorted, although everything seems to come at the same time.
    To tell you the truth, I wouldn't know an Apple interface from Adam, other than seeing your screenshots. Is this the same trailer?
    Have a good Friday.

  3. One can only hope for the best, right? :)

    1. Iran
    2. Iraq
    3. Switzerland
    4. Love Me Do
    5. Portugal

    I'll try to remember to tag you on Twitter when the podcast goes up. :)


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