
Saturday 6 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th October, 2018.

6th October, 2018.

Yep: I’m back at work, today.

And … ?

Well … 

Yes: it’s the one shift I have, this week.

Yes, it means money — not a lot, but still money.

But I can’t help but feel a certain amount of resentment at doing the one shift I’m scheduled for … by a job that doesn’t, seemingly, want me.


In other news?

My boiler — finally — works!

The chap was around, yesterday: at just after one.

And was here fro about two hours: doing assorted bits and bobs, to get the thing fixed.

It’s now working.

Well … 

It’s not failed, yet, let’s put it that way.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th October, 1995, saw scientists discover that 51 Pegasi had a planet.   Informally known as Bellerophon, the planet’s since been renamed what: Dimidium, Diminutive or Diminuendo?
Q2) The Yom Kippur War started on 6th, 1973: between Egypt and which other country?
Q3) Eight years later, Egypt’s president was assassinated: on 6th October, 1981.   Who WAS that president?
Q4) 6th October, 1942, saw the birth of actress, Britt Ekland.   In which Bond film does she play Mary Goodnight?
Q5) Finally … 6th October, 1957, saw the birth of footballer, Bruce Grobbelaar.   Which position does he usually play in … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Forces led by Cyrus the Great captured Babylon: on 5th October, 539 BC.   Cyrus ruled what was then the Achaemenid Empire.   The Empire’s now what: Turkey, Iran or Syria?
A1) Iran: by way of Persia and the Persian Empire.
Q2) More to the point, what’s left of Babylon are where: Turkey, Iraq or Syria?
A2) Iraq.
Q3) Forty-eight members of the Order of the Solar Temple cult were found: on 5th October, 1994.   In which European country?
Q4) The Beatle’s debut UK single was released: on 5th October, 1962.   Which single was it … ?
Q5) Finally … ?   Which country overthrew its monarchy, and declared itself a republic, on 5th October, 1910?
A5) Portugal.
Here’s a thought …
“I hate the whole übermensch, superman temptation that pervades science fiction. I believe no protagonist should be so competent, so awe-inspiring, that a committee of 20 really hard-working, intelligent people couldn’t do the same thing.”
David Brin, born born October 6, 1950.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        A coin-operated gas meter, Olga?   It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of them!   Most of the ones I’ve seen have a card.   You head for the local shop, put the money on the card, then put the card into the meter, when you get home.   They’re usually on a more expensive tariff … but also more controllable, as the meters will tell you how much money is left in them.   Either way … ?   Having a new boiler in should solve some of the issues: although, obviously, there’s always SOMETHING … !   Good luck on the electrics, by the way.   (Have the tats checked the fuse box?   There’s a whole other set of stuff we have to do, there … )

†        Oh, I always hope for the best, Debbi: except when Hollywood’s involved!   I’m half dreading the Denis Villeneuve cut of Dune, knowing it’s never exactly been done well!   Oh, did you catch the interview Stewart did on BBC Radio Leicestershire?   Interesting listen, that: although the interviewer did know Daleks could now go up stairs … !   (It’s here at two hours and thirty-four minutes.)


  1. Oh, Olga: I think the reason we don’t see that many icon operated pay as you go meters?

    Is that it was two easy to force them open, and nick the money …

  2. Q1) Dimidium
    Q2) Israel
    Q3) Anwar Sadat
    Q4) The Man with the Golden Gun
    Q5) goalkeeper
    True. Yes, I remember the card ones, as we had one of those at the university. But not, this is just a normal flat and I've never checked if the same option exists (probably). I think the boiler is sorted there (as the engineer went in the morning and we never heard anything else, so...). The electrician will go on Tuesday.
    I'm happy they've sorted your boiler and I hope it holds, especially as things will get colder from now on. (I remember having quite lengthy difficulties in one of the apartments I rented, because none of the engineers could find what was wrong, and it would sometimes work and sometimes make a terrible racket and not work). They would come and it was working and then, as soon as they left, the problem will recur again. Eventually, I recorded (it was a long time ago, but I had my dictaphone from work) the noise, the owner sent the British Gas guys and they knew what the problem was (something to do with the motherboard).

  3. I know I was surprised the first time I saw a Dalek go up stairs! I mean ... who knew? :)

    But that's sci-fi for you. Define the universe as you wish and stay within those rules. Maybe. ;-)

    1. Dimidium
    2. Israel
    3. Anwar Sadat
    4. The Man with the Golden Gun
    5. goalkeeper

    While we're on the subject of James Bond (which we are now!), the name Ian Fleming came up at the conference.

    Apparently, Bond is a much rougher character in the books than the movies. The more recent Casino Royale reflects this.

    Now, I have to read those books, too. It's just endless.


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