
Sunday 7 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th October, 2018.

7th October, 2018.

Right: it’s officially official.

And just in case you’re wondering?

Season three of The Man In The High Castle is now out.

I’m looking forward to that.

And, given I’ve time off, next week?

Plenty of time to watch it.

Although, frankly?   I’ve half a ton of movies in the collection I’ve not seen.

I’d like to catch them, too.


Saying that?

Saying that, it’s Sunday, it’s the 7th October … 

And the airdate for the new series of Dr Who.

The first with Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor.

Personally?   I’m looking forward to that.

I’m also VERY aware there’s been a lot of discussion online.

With a few airing the view her casting would destroy the show.

From the little I know?

About a year or so back, the BBC have managed to sell the next five years worth of the show to various networks in China: guaranteeing funding for years to come.


I doubt it.

I think we can say it’s doing well.

Here’s looking forward to tonight.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga and Debbi putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Which US news channel started broadcasting: on 7th October, 1996.
Q2) 7th October, 1968, saw the birth of singer, Thom Yorke: frontman for which band?
Q3) The English crown charter the Province of Massachusetts Bay: on 7th October, 1691.   Which US state is the province’s successor?
Q4) The cruise liner, Achille Lauro, was hijacked: on 7th October, 1985.   By whom: the IRA, the PLO or the KGB?
Q5) Finally … Germany signed the treaty that founded the Dual Alliance: on 7th October, 1879.   With which empire?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 6th October, 1995, saw scientists discover that 51 Pegasi had a planet.   Informally known as Bellerophon, the planet’s since been renamed what: Dimidium, Diminutive or Diminuendo?
A1) Dimidium.
Q2) The Yom Kippur War started on 6th, 1973: between Egypt and which other country?
A2) Israel.
Q3) Eight years later, Egypt’s president was assassinated: on 6th October, 1981.   Who WAS that president?
A3) Anwar Sadat.
Q4) 6th October, 1942, saw the birth of actress, Britt Ekland.   In which Bond film does she play Mary Goodnight?
Q5) Finally … 6th October, 1957, saw the birth of footballer, Bruce Grobbelaar.   Which position does he usually play in … ?
Here’s a thought …
“We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question that divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct.”
Nils Bohr, 7 October 1885 – 18 November 1962.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Now, why didn’t I think of that, Olga‡?   My boiler used to make all sorts of weird and wonderful grinding noises.   They SEEM to have calmed down, a long time ago … Hmmm … And it was the motherboard, you say … ?   I’m getting images of The IT Crowd!

†        THAT he is, Debbi‡!   I actually read Casino Royale, many years ago: and the Daniel Craig film is fairly close.   Although it’s a carpet beater in the book!   (The biggest difference, from what I could see?   Was that — in the book — the card game being played is baccarat: I seem to recall it was the version called Punto Banco, but don’t quote me!   I think they changed to to seven card hold ’em, partly because Poker’s had a lot more publicity, recently.)

‡        Just so you know?   Nik Nak’s only in the film version of The Man with the Golden Gun: and not the novel.   And Lee’s version of Scaramanga is a LOT posher than Paco Scaramanga, the version in the novel.   TRUST me on this … 


  1. Q1) Fox News
    Q2) Radiohead
    Q3) Massachusetts
    Q4) PLF (Palestinian Liberation Front)
    Q5) Austria-Hungary
    Well, my cousin always claimed the IT crowd was pretty accurate (and he has worked with computers for a long time).
    I've never been a smoker but hearing the staff complain about smoking breaks and bans, this clip made me laugh:
    I hope Doctor Who today lives up to your expectations (I think it will).
    I was very sorry yesterday to hear the news about Montserrat Caballé's demise. There has been a lot of talk and programmes about it here, and they have a book of condolences at the Liceu (the opera theatre where she started) here.
    Oh, on a completely different subject, I read this article and thought you might find it interesting. I don't know a lot about this, but...
    Have a good Sunday.

  2. I can believe that about Scaramonga. And that torture scene was brutal!

    Casino Royale (the book) was ahead of its time, in terms of realistic and gritty violence, as I understand it. It was like Fleming was writing a hardboiled detective character as a spy. Again, I haven't read the books yet, but want to now! :)

    1. Fox News
    2. Radiohead
    3. Massachusetts
    4. the PLO
    5. Auatri-Hungary


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