
Thursday 25 October 2018

The Man in the High Castle — Series 3 — Episodes 8 and 9: Kasumi (Through the Mists) and Baku.

25th October, 2018.

You have, haven’t you … ?

You’ve actually gone and read today’s Daily Teaser, haven’t you … ?

No … ?

Oh, well, thought I’d ask.

It’d be nice … 

But I’m not going to worry if you haven’t.

One thing I did mention … ?

Was that today was a day off … 

Which meant a lot of cleaning, for one thing.

The amount of one brand of noted product I used?

I should change my name to Barry Scott.

At ANY rate … ?

I’ve had some time off … 

Which means more time watching … 


Episode 8 — Kasumi (Through the Mists) — sees Juliana (Alexa Davalos) trying her best to recruit more people to the cause: by showing them the film.

Sees Helen (Chelah Horsdal) crossing dangerous lines in therapy … 

And sees Trade Minister Tagomi … forced to put his much practised Kendo kata


Episode 9 — Baku — sees Juliana and Wyatt (Jason O’Mara) heading into Nazi America.

Sees the Trade Minister using the information he’s received — that the Japanese States KNOW about the Nazi scheme to travel between worlds — to none other than Oberst-Gruppenführer Smith … 

Who has his own agenda …

Inspector Kido (Joel de la Fuente) does too.

His, though … ?

Involves a desert in the Neutral Zone, his formal Kempeitai uniform, a sword … 

And a long conversation with a captured Frank Frink (Rupert Evans) …


The night is getting later and later.

Really … !

But … ?

As we get near the last episode of Season Three, I am still riveted by what’s been going on.

Juliana is becoming a resistance leader, Oberst-Gruppenführer Smith is getting more and more caught in the tangles between home office … 

And Inspector Kido … ?

Is getting to be the honourable — literally, honourable — villain of the piece.

The next I get to see an episode?

Is Monday.

I’m looking for to that.

I want to see what whether the series Year Zero … matches our ones* … 

*        The idea — in season three — that the American Reich regime will wipe out US history, prior to the Second World War, and focus on Reich history has been a running theme throughout the series.   I believe they’ve taken it from Khmer Rouge ideology.  I also think that the Reich’s oil embargo of the Japanese Pacific States mirrors the one the US imposed on Japanes, in the run up to the Pearl Harbour attack.

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