
Thursday 25 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th October, 2018.

25th October, 2018.

Right, well … 

I’ve got time off … 

And time off that’s going to involve laundry.

Certainly a bloody nosy washing machine … 

Dratted thing!

At any rate, I’ve time off: some of which will be spent doing stuff.

Ho … hum … 


George Soros, billionaire and Democrat donor, has received an old fashioned mail bomb.

Along side various US politicians.

None of which, thankfully, went off.

Obviously, I think that’s not a nice way to treat a politician.

But it did surprise me.

After all, the last time I remember hearing about mail bombs?

Was in the 1970s: as I recall, the Irish Republican Army sent a few.

It seems an irrational way of protesting.

One that could be intercepted, as these were.

One that will get you charged with attempted murder, at least.

And one that strikes me as very inefficient.

After all, you’ve got to get the parts put together, then send the things to the right address, at a time  your victim is there, AND make sure they — and not the babysitter — open the thing.

It seems too much effort, for very little return.


Making an online video seems a lot easier.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 25th October, 1854, was the date of the Battle of Balaclava.   Which poetic charge took place, during the Battle?
Q2) 25th October, 1900, saw the UK annex the Transvaal.   The Transvaal is now part of which African nation … ?
Q3) 25th October, 2017, saw who start his second term as China’s General Secretary?
Q4) 25th October, 1984, saw the EEC — now the EU — grant £1.8 million pounds worth of aid: to which African nation?
Q5) Finally … ?   25th October is Sovereignty Day: in which European country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 24th October is United Nations Day: marking the day the UN Charter went into force.   In which year? 
A1) 1945.
Q2) How many chapters does that Charter have: seventeen, eighteen or nineteen?
A2) N-N-N-N-N-NNineteen.   (So good a number, you can sing about it … )
Q3) The General Assembly, Security Council and International Court of Justice were set up in which chapter of the Charter?
Q4) The General Assemble is also mentioned in chapter five of the UN Charter.   Each UN member state is on the General Assembly … and meets in the UN’s HQ.   That HQ is in which US city?
A4) New York.
Q5) Finally … ?   The General Assembly first met on 10th January of which year?
A5) 1946.
Here’s a thought …
“Filmmaking is a business and at the bottom line people who don't make fiscally responsible decisions end up going into another line of work.”
Gale Anne Hurd, born October 25, 1955.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You’re right there, I think, Olga.   (Yeah, I meant ‘mentioned.’   Mind you, someone thinks sending pipe bombs to US politicians is a good thing: mining the UN mind appeal to them.)

†        You’re right, there, Debbi.   It’s looking good!   Arachnids in the UK sounds interesting, too.


  1. Q1) The Charge of the Light Brigade
    Q2) South Africa
    Q3) Xi Jinping
    Q4) Ethiopia
    Q5) Slovenia
    Yes, I heard. It all sounds a bit weird, the bombs, I mean... Somebody must have been reading old books or watching old movies. Enjoy your day off.

  2. Fun stuff! Spiders! :)

    1. the Charge of the Light Brigade
    2. South Africa
    3. Xi Jinping
    4. Ethiopia
    5. Slovenia


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