
Saturday 24 November 2018

Dune: The Review …

23rd November, 2018.

OK … 

I think I managed to totally ruining that intro video, there.

Yes: I’ve used the Pitch Shift Down button on the whole clip: rather than the few seconds I meant to use it one.

Cie la Vie!

If you’ll excuse the term.

At ANY rate … ?

It’s getting late … 

But I wanted you to know I’ve watched another movie.

Yes: I’ve finally decided to sit down and watch — and then write about — the David Lynch film that is … 

Dune … 


Set at least ten thousand years from now, and based on the Frank Herbert novel of the same name, Dune opens with a brief introduction from Princess Irulan (Virginia Madsen) telling us how human space is ruled by her father, Shaddam 4th (José Ferrar) … 

But relies on the drug, melange: known also as spice … 

And mined on only one planet in the universe.

Arrakis: also called Dune … 

The film gears into action when the Emperor is visited by agents of the Spacing Guild: concerned that their supplies of spice will go vanish if the Emperor’s feud with Duke Leto Atreides (Jürgen Prochnow) goes wrong.

They want to make sure the family goes into history: but ensuing the duke’s son and heir, Paul (Kyle MacLachlan) gets killed in the process.

They’re worried he’s a threat …


Meanwhile … ?

On Giedi Prime, Homewood of the Atreides family enemies, the Harkonnens are plotting and scheming.

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Kenneth McMillan)?   Is letting his nephews, Feyd and Rabban (Sting and Paul Smith) into his plans.

He and the Emperor will invade Dune once the Atreides family have settled in.

Not that the Baron is naming names … 

But he has a plan … 

AND a mole … right at the heart of House Atreides.

Not realising that that agent … ?

Has plans of their own … 


Now … 

Good … ?

Oh, lordy, but you do ask the most awkward questions, don’t you … ?

I don’t know that I could say if Dune is good, bad or indifferent …

Famously, and as the film’s Wikipedia entry will tell you, Dune had a troubled birth: with both producer, Dino DeLaurentis, and director David Lynch, making cuts, changes, heavy handed edits, and revisions to both script and film.

Before it got anywhere NEAR a theatre.

AND had an extended cut released: that Lynch refused to have anything to do with.

The standard theatrical cut I watched tonight, though?

Is the nearest the like of you and me will get to the Lynch version.

That version … ?

Is … 

Well, for starters, it’s one of the most gorgeous looking bits of SF ever make, I think.

Both in terms of set, and costume.

Musically?   With a score that’s a mix of Toto and Eno?

Well, I’m not sure I could tell you WHAT’S happening, there: it could have been worse … or better.


Over all, I’d say that wasn’t bad: incredibly over the top in places, but on the whole, not bad.

Patrick Stewart as Gurney was great, MacLachlan as the film’s hero, Paul, superb, and most of the rest of the cast?

Genuinely impressive.

About my only criticisms, there?

Was Baron Harkonnen, Feyd-Rautha and Rabben?

Came over as science fiction’s answer to the Three Stooges.

Beautifully acted, over the top, villainous, Three Stooges … but none-the-less, the Three Stooges.

Oh and Richard Jordan as Duncan Idaho, was miscast.

Not that he didn’t do a bad job: Jordan’s convincingly earnest and suitably heroic.

But, if I’ve understood things correctly?

Duncan Idaho is black … 


Oy … 

There is possibly so much more I could say here, there really is.

Especially when you consider how the film’s explanation of how the Navigators use spice differs from the original novel’s explanation of what’s happening.

The film says they use it to ‘fold space,’ the novel say the use the prophetic states it induces to work out which route is the safest.

You tell me.

Saying that … ?

I can only tell you this.

I am still, thirty-four years after its original release?

Convinced Dune is beautiful … 

But flawed …

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