
Saturday 24 November 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th November, 2018.

24th November, 2018.

It’s a Saturday morning, and here I am … 

Not exactly financially able to get out and splurge.

But there you go … 

If nothing else, though?

I know I’ve had a brief chat with one of the staff at the local job centre: and found there’s help some financial help available.

And implied there’s help available should I want to put in for a provisional drivers license.

Which would come in handy in situations where I need ID.

Here’s hoping I can do something about that: no ID has cost me one job interview, already … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 24th November, 2016, saw the signing of the treaty — between the Government and armed rebels — that ended which county’s Civil War?
Q2) In order to avoid higher sanctions, Iran signed the Geneva Interim Agreement on 24th November, 2013: with what’s called the P5+1 group of countries.   Name any one of the six counties that make up the P5+1 group.
Q3) 24th November, 1942, saw the birth of comedian, actor, ex-docker and writer, Billy Connelly.   Which writer and psychologist is he married to?
Q4) 24th November, 1944, saw the birth of Candy Darling.   Candy was a Superstar for whom?
Q5) Finally … 24th November, 2004, saw licensing laws change: which meant what could serve alcohol for 24 hours?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 23rd November saw the broadcast of An Unearthly Child: the first episode of Dr Who.   That episode was broadcast in which year?
A1) 1963.
Q2) The original version of the show ended in 1989: with a story called what?
A2) Survival.
Q3) The show resumed in 2005: with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, and Billie Piper as his companion.   What was that first episode called?
A3) .
Q4) Name any one of the current, Thirteenth Doctor’s, three companions.   
A4) Graham, payed by Bradley Walsh, Ryan, played by Tosin Cole and Yas, played by Mandip Gill.
Q5) Finally … The Thirteenth Doctor is played by Jodie Whittaker.   What was the name of her first complete episode?   (Her first appearance, in Twice Upon A Time, doesn’t count.) 
Here’s a thought …
“Chic Murray once told me he fell in the street, and a woman said to him, ‘Did you fall?’ He said, ‘No, I'm tryin’ to break a bar of chocolate in my back pocket.’”
Billy Connolly, born 24 November 1942.
And, as the vocals are done by birthday boy, Bev Bevan, a song by The Move …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’d heard that, too, Olga: that’s Portugal’s gorgeous.   Mind you, the one workmate I know who’d frequently say that … was Portuguese.   Hmmmm … maybe I should Paulo about fried things, the next time I see him!   The interview went well: but won’t know until Monday.   I’m not getting me hopes up.   (You know, with all this free time?   The Ministry of Time’s something I have time for.   We’ll see.)

†        That’s always the way, I think, Debbi: there’s always going to be revisions needed!   You know, merchandisers LOVE cult TV shows.   So do some actors.   Colin Baker keeps saying it’s a job for life!   Actually … remember the The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot thing that aired over the Dr Who 50th anniversary?   I keep thinking casting Davison, Baker and McCoy in a TV detective show would work!   (Unfortunately, someone’s already used The Three Investigators as a title.)


  1. Q1) Colombia
    Q2) China
    Q3) Pamela Stephenson
    Q4) Andy Warhol
    Q5) Pubs
    Fingers crossed for Monday and it's good to hear there are options. I hope you have chance to enjoy the free time you have now.

  2. That would be fun. I just finished a short story that combines crime and time travel. Plan to submit it to an anthology. We'll see how that goes! :)

    1. Colombia
    2. China
    3. Pamela Stephenson
    4. Andy Warhol
    5. pubs


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