
Tuesday 27 November 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-11-2018: Lancashire Day.

27th November, 2018.

Yes: that’s enough of that, I think.

At least, enough of my singing!

As for news?

I don’t know that I, personally, have much.

I know that I’ve not heard — yet — from the company around the corner from me.

I HAVE had a brief chat with another agency: who are recruiting for an insurance company ten minutes bus ride away.

That’s something to keep my fingers crossed for.

I’ve also got an interview: for Brentwood’s soon to be opened Burger King.

One, frankly, I hope I don’t get.


Well, burger flipping’s a youngster’s game.

There’d be WAY too many irritating school kids lurking around.

And a constant diet of staff-discounted Whoppers?

Isn’t what you call healthy … 


Actually, talking of news … ?

I noticed this piece on the BBC’s new site, today.

About 18 year old gamer, Daniel Enrique Fabian.

Who’s been arrested and charged after committing rape …

That he stream live to the internet … 

OK … 

You want to rape someone, fair enough.

Don’t expect me to approve.

But to rape someone … 

And stream it live to anyone watching your channel?

Expect me to call you a bloody idiot.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 27th November is Lancashire Day in the UK.   What colour is the Rose of Lancaster?
Q2) It’s held to mark the day — in 1295 — when Lancashire sent its first representative, where: Buckingham Palace, Parliament or the Olympics?
Q3) The Duchy of Lancashire is held bye the Duke of Lancaster.   Who IS the Duke of Lancaster?
Q4) Which town’s the administrative centre of Lancashire?
Q5) Finally … ?   Lancashire Hotpot is traditionally made with what: beef, pork or lamb?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 26th November saw the birth of Tina Turner.   Under what name?
Q2) In which year was she born?
A2) 1939.
Q3) Which Tennessee town was she born in?
A3) Nutbush.   (No one’s ever heard of the place … )
Q4) The town provided Tina with a huge hit: while working with her now ex-husband.   Who was he?
Q5) The first his for Tina and her husband was A Fool In Love.   Which year was it released in: 1959, 1960 or 1961?
A5) 1960.
Q6) 1965, saw the pair record a hit with Phil Spector.   What was that record?
Q7) Tina first started performing as solo artist in which year: 1977, 1978 or 1979?
A7) 1977.
Q8) In November, 1983, Tina had a hit with a cover of an Al Green song.   Which Al Green song?
Q9) Released in 1984, Tina’s fifth solo album was first first successful solo album.   What was it called?
Q10) Finally … ?   Who played Tina in the biopic, What’s Love Got To Do with It?
A10) Angela Bassett.   (I’ve said it before, and I’ll know doubt say it again: the Oscar winning Bassett was seriously underused in American Horror Story.)
Here’s a thought …
“Never expect owt for nowt.”
Sylvia Lovat Corbridge, It’s an Old Lancashire Custom.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yes, I did read the cast’s a bit fluid, Olga!   Either way, I’m looking forward to more episodes.   (It got me thinking of Torchwood …)

†        It’s a fantastic episode, Debbi: Alan Cumming as James 1st And 6th?   Was absolutely riveting!   (And a complete loon!)


  1. Q1) Red
    Q2) Parliament
    Q3) Elizabeth the II
    Q4) Preston
    Q5) Lamb
    I know what you mean about Burger King... I hope one of the other jobs comes along. Although nowadays, when I think about somebody older working in a fatfood restaurant, I can't help but think of Kevin Spacey in American Beauty...

  2. A1 Red Rose for the House of Lancaster (White Rose for the House of York)

    A2 Parliament of King Edward I

    A3 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

    A4 Preston

    A5 Lamb but proper hot pot is made with Mutton if you can get it.

    Hot Pot is derived from Hotch Potch and a famous Victorian cook book says "a recipe for "Hotch Potch", calling for neck of mutton, onion, carrot, peas, cauliflower and lettuce."

    I have never put Lettuce into my home cooked Hot Pot.

  3. Every time I see Alan Cumming, I think of Boris in GoldenEye. "I'm invincible!" :)

    1. red
    2. Parliament
    3. Queen Elizabeth II
    4. Preston
    5. lamb


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