
Thursday 29 November 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th November, 2018.

29th November, 2018.

Right … I think I’m …

Actually, not nervous.

I’ve an interview, later today, for the soon to open Burger King.

I’m not nervous, believe it or not.

Or, at least not as nervous as I would be, running a pub quiz for the first time.

Either way?

Wish me luck!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 29th November, 1899, saw the founding of FC Barcelona.   Who’s the current manager of the club?
Q2) 29th November saw the UN announce the partition of where … ?
Q3) Robert McNamara announced his resignation: on 29th November, 1967.   From which US government post?
Q4) 29th November, 1956, saw the government announce it would continue to ration what?
Q5) 29th November, 1830, saw the start of an armed uprising against Russian rule: in which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Ludwig van Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 5 had its public debut: on 28th November, 1811.   It’s also known as the Emperor concerto: and in which key?
Q2) Mauritania became independent: on 28th November, 1960.   Independent of where?
A2) France.
Q3) Horse racing in the UK was suspended: in 28th November, 1967.   Because of which disease?
A3) Foot and Mouth: or Hoof and Mouth, as it’s known in the US.
Q4) 28th November, 1990, saw Margaret Thatcher replaced as Prime Minister.   By whom?
Q5) Finally … 28th November, 1866, saw the birth of architect and designer, Henry Bacon.   His last project is in Washington.   What IS that project?
A5) The Lincoln Memorial.
Here’s a thought …
“I can’t imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once.”
C. S. Lewis, 29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s a happily accidental typo, Olga!   As for the Ministry?   The story aspects are great, the characters, fantastically strong, the plots of the first two episode, great.   As for the history?   Well, the Spanish War of Independence was part of the Peninsular Wars: it helps I’ve seen the odd episode of Sharpe.   As for the Armada … ?   I think I’ve covered it for a Teaser or two.   You’ve heard of Elizabeth 1st’s big “… the body of a weak and feeble woman” speech?   That was the speech she gave to English marines and sailors before the launch of English ship facing the Spanish Armada.   I’m also told Sir Francis Drake — Britain’s biggest naval hero prior to Nelson — was known as ‘el Draquee,’ the Dragon, to the Spanish.   Apparently, Phillip 2nd put quite a lot of money on Sir Francis’ head.   Historical Teasers, what can I tell you … ?   (Yeah, I know that first Headroom show got a VHS release: but not a DVD one.   There’s always licensing issues, when we go from one technology to another.)

†         I know, Debbi, I know.   I STILL want to see him in Cabaret … !   (Oh, there’s a new version of West Side Story in the works: they’ve even managed to dig up Rita Moreno for it!)


  1. Q1) Ernesto Valverde
    Q2) Palestine
    Q3) US Secretary of Defense
    Q4) Petrol
    Q5) Poland
    Good luck! (I know you don't particularly fancy the job, but I guess it's a job and nearby). There is an episode, much later in another series of el Ministerio, where Felipe II starts... let's say to mess things up... I've always felt more curious about Carlos I (Charles the I of Spain and V of Germany). After all, he landed in Spain from Germany, knowing nothing about the place... And he loved clocks and retired... (a lot of politics and money-changing hands involved in his election in Germany...)

  2. Wow! That's cool. :)

    1. Ernesto Valverde
    2. Palestine
    3. Secretary of Defense
    4. petrol (or gasoline?)
    5. Poland


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