
Monday 5 November 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-11-2018: Bonfire Night

5th November, 2018.

Yes, what is that about?

You scratch a given body part … 

And, once that’s done … ?

The itch pops up, again … !

I don’t know what’s going on, there … 

But it’s bloody annoying … 


Oh, just as a bit of news?

It seems the BBC, working with Netflix, is working on a new, TV version of Watership Down: and released pictures for it.

AND announced that the former Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi*, has joined the cast.

I can’t help but wonder if he’ll be voicing General Woundwort … 

Or Kehaar, the gull.

The man famous for one of the most foul-mouth characters in political comedy seems an ideal choice for the Richard Adams’ most foul mouthed character!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 5th November is Bonfire Night in the UK.   It marks the year Guy Fawkes was arrested, trying to blow up Parliament, during the Gunpowder Plot.   During which year?
Q2) Traditionally, a bonfire is lit, on the night.   The effigies burnt on bonfires are usually called what … ?
Q3) What kind of sweet is traditionally supposed to be eaten on bonfire night: chocolate, toffee or rock?
Q4) Bonfire night fireworks come in many colours.   The red ones use chemical compounds that contain either lithium … or what?
Q5) Finally … Fawkes was arrested on 5th November, in a cellar under the House of Lords.   How many barrels of Gunpowder did he have?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Barack Obama became the first US president of African American heritage: on 4th November, 2008.   He, and others, have recently been sent what?
Q2) Mozart’s 36th Symphony was first performed on 4th November, 1783.   It’s known as the what: Linz, Liszt or Lint symphony?
A2) The Linz Symphony: as it was apparently, written there.
Q3) The US government created the National Security Agency, the NSA on 4th November of which year of the 1950s?
A3) 1952.
Q4) A special election saw Nellie Tayloe Ross named as the first female state governor in the USA: on 4th November, 1924.   Governor of where … ?
A4) Wyoming.
Q5) Finally … ?   4th November, 1979, saw the US Embassy stormed.   The US Embassy in which country … ?
A5) Iran.
Here’s a quote …
“We have therefore well done and upon good warrant, to tread in the same steps, and by law to provide, that this Day should not die, nor the memorial thereof perish, from our selfes or from our seed, but be consecrated to perpetual memory, by a yearly acknowledgement to be made of it through all generations.”
From The Gunpowder Sermon Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Chichester, on 5 November 1606.
And a song …

And a speech or two from a Guy Fawkes fan … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Talking of which … ?   I caught The Tsuranga Conundrum, last night.   That’s another strong episode!

†        I loved it, Olga^: fascinating little piece, there, with a very dignified performance from Suzanne Packer as Eve Cicero.

‡        What CAN I tell you, Debbi^ … ?   I write at least one question after seeing something in the news.   (Much like the question, a couple of days ago: about crimes against journalists.   Jamal Khashoggi was getting a lot of coverage the day I wrote it.   Same with the pipe bombs …)

^        Did either of you watch Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?   The way Jodie Whittaker was waving her hands around, last night, put me in mind of how Avery Brooks played Ben Sisko.   Lots of hand waving … 


  1. Q1) 1605
    Q2) Guys
    Q3) Toffee
    Q4) Strontium Carbonate
    Q5) 36
    I watched some episodes of Deep Space 9 but it was so long ago that I can't remember much about it. I hope the night is not too noisy (and/or you enjoy fireworks. I managed to go to Lewes once for bonfire night. Even with all the crowds, it was well worth it).

  2. Yes, I did watch Deep Space Nine. I'll have to watch for the hand-waving.

    1. 1605
    2. dummies (I guess)
    3. toffee
    4. strontium
    5. 36


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