
Wednesday 26 December 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th December, 2018

26th December, 2018.

Yep: I’ve gone and got a book for Christmas.

Well, actually, I’ve had several … !

But I don’t like to boast.

The one thing that did make me laugh?

Simply the fact it features a Sontaran Bakery: and a boom cake.

And a Sontaran Boom cake.

Hell of a way to celebrate a birthday … 


Actually, whilst we’re on the subject of Dr Who?

Yesterday didn’t see a Christmas episode of the show.

Which I’m not happy, but, bar complaining to the BBC — which you can do, here — what can you do*?

Ahem … 

I do know that we got the improved trailers: announcing the time that the New Year’s day edition will be shown in the UK.

7pm, so you know.

Now … 

That robotic, slightly Daleky, voice at the end of that teaser trailer?

The one frantically yelling “EX-TEM-IN-ATE” … ?

Does that sound familiar … ?


Either way … ?

Hopefully, my nephew, Jude, and his mum will be popping over to watch it.

Oh, if you bump into him?

Wish him a happy birthday … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Bad Wolf‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all scoring twelve out of twelve.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Frederick 2nd was born on 26th December, 1194.   He was what: Holy Roman Emperor, Kaiser or Shogun?
Q2) 26th December — Boxing Day — sees the residents of where, perform the Gombey?
Q3) 26th December, 1898, saw Marie and Pierre Curie announced they’d isolated what?
Q4) At the traditional Boxing Day Test Match in Melbourne, 26th December, 2018, sees the Australian Cricket Team play whom?
Q5) Finally … 26th December, 1990, saw Ayatollah Khameini of Iran uphold a fatwa issued by his predecessor, Ayatollah Khomeini.   A fatwa against whom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) On the first day of Christmas my true love sent me a bird, in a pear tree.   What bird?
A1) A partridge.
Q2) On the second day, my true love sends two what?
Q3) On the third day?   It’s three French Hens.   French hens are A variety of … what?
A3) Chicken.   (If you’re keeping count, I now have 6 birds, and a pear tree.)
Q4) Day Four?   My true love sends me four calling birds: also called songbirds.   Roughly how many species of songbird are there: three thousand, four thousand or five thousand?
A4) Five thousand.   That’s in the main group: and not counting the Tyranni or Acanthisitti.   (Ten birds … and a tree.)
Q5) On the fifth day, my tree love sent me five gold rings.   What’s the chemical symbol for gold?
A5) Au.   (Gold keeps its price on the secondary market: and doesn’t generate guano)
Q6) On the sixth day, my true love sends me six geese a-laying.   The Goose that laid a the golden eggs is a fable by which Greek?
A6) Aesop: occasionally written as Æsop.   (Sixteen birds, one tree, five rings … and zero shovels.)
Q7) On Day seven?   My true love sends me seven swans a’swimming.   Mute swans in the UK are technically owned by the Vintners Company, the Dyers Company … and who else?
A7) The Queen.   (Twenty-three birds … and my flat’s a mess …)
Q8) Day eight, and I’ve NOW got eight maids a milking.   What maid was a well known brand of ice cream, in the UK?
A8) Lyons Maid.   (Twenty three birds, eight milkmaids … still no shovel, but … )
Q9) Day nine, and my true love’s given me nine ladies, dancing.  Which dance has its origins on the borders between Uruguay and Argentina?
A9) The tango.
Q10) There’s ten lords a’leaping on the tenth day of Christmas.   Leap is a small village in which Irish county?
A10) County Cork.
Q11) On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave me eleven pipers playing.   Which family were/are the traditional pipers to the Clan Chiefs of the MacLeods?
A11) The MacCrimmons.
Q12) Finally … ?   On the Twelfth Day, my true love gave me twelve drummers drumming.   Which drummer did drummer, Gene Krupa, call “the greatest drummer ever to have drawn breath”?
A12) Buddy Rich.
Here’s a thought …
“Marxism comprises many principles, but in the final analysis they can all be brought back to a single sentence: it is right to rebel.”
Mao Zedong, December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I complained.   They told me they’d be passing on my complaints to the producers …

†        Yep, it’s still a classic, Olga, isn’t it?   (I remember you mentioning it last years: it’s sort of why I wrote the set’s answers the way I did.   I’m also aware that I’d be grateful to have got the gold rings: there’s no guano … )

‡        Yep, it’s the Tango, @BadWolf: which always looks impressive, if you can do it … !

^        Yeah, Sorry, Debbi!   But twelve question did fit the theme … !   Oh, there’s another coming on the 31st: it’s the review of the year … 


  1. Q1) Holy Roman Emperor
    Q2) It’s Gombey… I could not find it…Bermuda
    Q3) Radium
    Q4) India
    Q5) Salman Rushdie

    Five out of five? There were 12 questions! It seems you had a good time yesterday. Happy Birthday to Jude!
    Yes, I was sure I had shared the song before. This is another favourite…

  2. (1) Holy Roman Emperor (2)?Bermuda (3)radium.(4)India(5)The Satanic Verses controversy, Salman Rushdie

  3. I'm going to be offline for about a week. Including the 31st. So ... I'll have to miss that one.

    1. Holy Roman Emperor
    2. Bermuda
    3. radium
    4. India
    5. Salman Rushdie


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