
Tuesday 25 December 2018

Nik Nak’s Christmas Day Teaser — 25-12-2018

25th December, 2018: Christmas Day.

Yay … !

It’s Christmas Day.

Which, frankly?

I’ll be heading over to my family’s, later.

Granted, I’ve not been able to get much, given the job situation: but at least I could get something … 

Someone’s due to get a lot of Lego, I know that.


Despite the Christmas theme?

There’s still news happening … 

One piece I did notice?

Was that Apple have picked up some kudos.

As they’ve removed an app from the iOS App Store, written by a US religious group known to be homophobic.

The LGBT group that’s highlighting it are — understandably — pleased: but still want to see the app removed from both Google Play, and Amazon.

Good luck on that.

I do know, though, that there’s a film doing the rounds, called I Am Michael: which, although based on a true story, looks very much in favour of Gay Conversion therapy.

I’m left handed, so you know, rather than gay: and heard several stories about fellow lefties who’d been forced to become right-handed.

So I’m sympathetic: as I can see the comparison.

Given that?

I’m concerned enough to ask a film about gay conversion therapy … is still on the UK iTunes Store … ?

Someone’s missed something … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, BadWolf‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall weª?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) On the first day of Christmas my true love sent me a bird, in a pear tree.   What bird?
Q2) On the second day, my true love sends two what?
Q3) On the third day?   It’s three French Hens.   French hens are A variety of … what?
Q4) Day Four?   My true love sends me four calling birds: also called songbirds.   Roughly how many species of songbird are there: three thousand, four thousand or five thousand?
Q5) On the fifth day, my tree love sent me five gold rings.   What’s the chemical symbol for gold?
Q6) On the sixth day, my true love sends me six geese a-laying.   The Goose that laid a the golden eggs is a fable by which Greek?
Q7) On Day seven?   My true love sends me seven swans a’swimming.   Mute swans in the UK are technically owned by the Vintners Company, the Dyers Company … and who else?
Q8) Day eight, and I’ve NOW got eight maids a milking.   What maid was a well known brand of ice cream, in the UK?
Q9) Day nine, and my true love’s given me nine ladies, dancing.  Which dance has its origins on the borders between Uruguay and Argentina?
Q10) There’s ten lords a’leaping on the tenth day of Christmas.   Leap is a small village in which Irish county?
Q11) On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave me eleven pipers playing.   Which family were/are the traditional pipers to the Clan Chiefs of the MacLeods?
Q12) Finally … ?   On the Twelfth Day, my true love gave me twelve drummers drumming.   Which drummer did drummer, Gene Krupa, call “the greatest drummer ever to have drawn breath”?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 24th December is Christmas Eve.   Traditionally, many Orthodox Christians will mark it on which day in January?
A1) 6th January.
Q2) Christmas Eve is a character in which musical?
A2) Avenue Q.   (It takes its name from a street in Brooklyn)
Q3) Christmas Eve also a 1832 short story by which Russian novelist?
Q4) Christmas Eve is also a song on the I Wanna Be Santa Claus LP.   Song, and album, are by which former Beatle?
Q5) Finally … ’Twas the Night Before Christmas is set on the evening of Christmas Eve.   What, strictly speaking, is the poem’s name?
Here’s a thought …
“Christmas is forever, not for just one day, ”
Norman W Brooks, Let Every Day Be Christmas.
And possibly the only song I could play!

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a very happy Christmas.

*        I think I’ve managed to correct that, today, Trevor.   I’m rushed, what can I tell you … ?   (I’m also using a quick template: which I think I’m going to have to adjust, a little.)

†        I think that’s why there’s a market for the follow on novels, Olga: there’s a few of them, I know that.   I’m just glad no-one’s offered to do the same for Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels.   I don’t think it would be the same … 

‡        Nice to know someone’s got a plan for that, @BadWolf!   Good luck!

^        Pun … ?   I’ve lost the pun, Debbi!   Actually, I should have enough cracker jokes to pass on, by the end of the day … !

ª        Twenty-three birds of assorted species, eight milk maids, nine ballerinas, ten members of the House of Lords, eleven pipers,  and twelve percussionists.   Not forgetting the pear tree.   I’ve a one bedroom flat.  Where do I put this lot?


  1. Q1) A partridge
    Q2) Turtle doves
    Q3 (Gallus gallus domesticus) is a domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the red junglefowl (it seems). Yes, it’s a chicken.
    Q4) five thousand
    Q5) Au
    Q6) Aesop
    Q7) The Queen (It seems she owns the unmarked ones… Would she bother to check?)
    Q8) Lyons Maid
    Q9) The tango
    Q10) County Cork
    Q11) The MacCrimmons
    Q12) Buddy Rich
    I hope you have a great day.
    I can’t resist Frank Kelly’s version of the Twelve Days of Christmas…

  2. 1)partridge ,(20turtle doves, (3)French breed of chicken.(40 5000 or so species, (5)Gold is Au,(6)Aesop's,(7) belonging to the Queen by default.
    (8)Lyons Maid (9) not sure Tango? (10) Cork (11)MacCrimmon (piping family)(12) Bubby Rich

  3. Um. Ouch! :)

    Merry Christmas!

    1. partridge
    2. turtle doves
    3. chicken
    4. 5,000
    5. AU
    6. Aesop
    7. the British Monarch
    8. Lyons Maid
    9. the tango
    10 County Cork
    11. MacCrimmon
    12. Buddy Rich


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