
Friday 25 January 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-1-2019: The First Winter Olympics

25th January, 2019.

Yep: I’m officially off to Brentwood High Street, today.

I’ve got … a dental hygienist appointment!

My dentists makes appointment’s with the students ones for free, as I’m on universal credit!

All good.

I just hope it doesn’t take long … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, Trevor‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Debbi, Trevor and Olga on  three scoring five out of five, and Badwolf on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The first winter Olympics opened on 25th January.   Of which year?
Q2) It was held in which French commune?
Q3) The Games featured the Military what, as an official sport?
Q4) How many gold medals did host nation, France, win … ?
Q5) Finally … ?   Which nation won the most medals at these first Winter Olympics?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 24th January saw the birth of Emperor Hadrian.   In which year: AD 66, AD 76 or AD 86?
A1) AD 76.
Q2) What was his full, birth, name?
A2) Publius Aelius Hadrianus: his regnal name was Imperator Caesar Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus Augustus.
Q3) He was born in what’s now where: Spain, Italy or Portugal?
A3) Spain: in what’s called Hispania Baetica.
Q4) Hadrian put down the Bar-Kokhbar Revolt.   The Revolt took place in which Roman Province?
A4) Judea: in what’s now southern Israel.
Q5) Finally … ? The Vallum Hadriani is in Northern England: it’s better known as what?
Here’s a thought …
“Winter sports have about them a certain purity, and that is why I was inclined to support and nurture them in this olympic environment.”
Olympic Games founder, Pierre De Coubertin.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Good MORNING, Ms Vampire … !   :D   Just as a thought, @Badwolf?   You MIGHT want to raid @Greebobek’s Terry Pratchett collection: it might just be up your street.   (Greebo is a witch’s familiar … )

†        11°C is cold, Olga?   That’s comparatively tropical, compared to Brentwood, right now!  As for the extension?   I think that would worry more people … if that can do a very across a lot of different browsers: the same way AdBlockPlus is all over the place.   (Apparently?   Google have released their draft plans for newer versions of Chrome … that won’t let you block adverts.   If they do it?   It’ll annoy people … and make them a fortune in ad revenue.)

‡        It’s got warmer, today, Trevor!   Ahem!

^        Not quite what I’m saying, Debbi.   If you buy the DVD version, you can rip themª to a computer, then sell the disks to your local equivalent of CeX: the second hand shops buy their stock from you and me.   That way, you offset the cost of the series.   (You buy the box set for, say, $25.   Then rip them.   Then sell them to CeX for $10.   That way, the boxset’s effectively cost you $15.)

ª        If I’ve understood the UK regulations, correctly?   You can use things like HandbrakeMakeMKV and RipIt to turn DVDs into digital files: as backup, and for personal use, only.   I’m not sure about US, or Spanish, regulations.


  1. (1) 1924 (2)Chamonix (3)Military patrol (4)0 (5)Norway

  2. Q1) 1924
    Q2) Chamonix
    Q3) patrol
    Q4) 0
    Q5) Norway
    11 degrees celsius was the highest for the day, the lowest 2 or 3, that's why I said that it depended on where you were, and if it was sunny and there was no wind. But here it rarely goes into one digit temperatures only, even in winter...

  3. Ah. Got it! :)

    1. 1924
    2. Chamonix
    3. patrol
    4. none
    5. Norway


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