
Friday 25 January 2019

Star Trek Discovery — Series 2 Episode 2: New Eden — A Review

25th January, 2019.

Yes: I’ve officially had my lower jaws done.



Cleaned, if you must know.

What made things … interesting … ?

Was the fact I thought I’d made the appointment for 11AM.

Turns out I was wrong.

Turns out it was for 2PM: which meant going into Brentwood High Street, twice!

Boy, I was embarrassed.

Still … 

I did managed to get to have a natter with one of the hygienists about the shiny new MacBookPro she was using … 


As I was able to let her know I’d got a notification, this morning, via MacWorld: turned out there were some quite serious security updates.

You can find the details, here.

Now, while I’m not sure or all the exact details … I’m fairly sure of something.

For starters, the updates have caused issues.

I know I’ve just rendered the intro for this piece: and had to shut down my Mac, a couple of times.

As rendering it in 1080p slowed iMovie down to a crawl, and made using switching between alternative desktops VERY crappy.

On the other hand … ?

I noticed that a number of the security updates listed on that page?

Were aimed at macOS’s kernel.

The underlying code that forms the operating system’s heart.

One was aimed at the hypervisor.   Which, if I’ve understood it correctly?   Is some of the heavyweight hardware control software that’s part of a modern operating system.

It is — if I’ve understood the Wikipedia entry correctly — controls a lot of a computer’s hardware.

On top of that … !

On top of that, Apple’s page thanked workers from Google’s Project Zero a lot of help on the kernel updates.

Project Zero are the Google researchers who find zero-day exploits: previously unknown security flaws.

And that, therefore, need treating rather urgently.


I’m grateful: that means my machine’s better protected.

I’m just going to have to wait for Apple to update iMovie, and Mojave.

I’m grateful for the protection.

But would like the rendering speed back.


Now, I have to admit: that’s NOT why I started this post.

Yes, you guessed it: it’s Friday.

And yes: right at the mo, that means it’s time for the new episode of … 

second series … 


Episode 2 — New Eden — sees the crew spotting a new red signal: located out in the Beta Quadrant.

And decide to investigate by using the spore drive to get there.

Only to discover that the signal seems to coming from a planet called New Eden, occupied by a pre-warp human colony … 

That seems to have wound up there … not long after World War 3, some two hundred years before … 

The big question … ?

Does the Discovery the colonists home … or follow the rules and leave them there … ?

Decisions, decisions … !


Now … good … ?

Yes, it is: it’s a great little episode.

One I found very reminiscent of the classic series, in it’s calling on General Order Number One … and in its general tone.

Oh … 

And good use of Ensign Tilly.

She might well be the Ship’s resident comic relief … 

But she’s putting in a good contribution … 

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