
Monday 28 January 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th January 2019

28th January, 2019.

Yes: I’ve got a phone call, later.

From Apple’s usually quite good support services.

Hopefully?   I’ll be able to discuss the situation with iMovie.

It might just turn out to be a short conversation.

As, this morning?

I’ve had a reply on the post I put on on the Apple Community Forums.

That one at the bottom, from Rich … ?

Seems to have helped, for now.

I’m ALSO going to give Old Peculiar regular, Debbi Mack, a big ‘Thank You,’ as well.

She’s also managed to help, by giving me a few pointers on her own set up: those details will come in handy, when I’m phoned.

Thanking, you, Debbi.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Who made his first TV appearance on Stage Show, on 28th January, 1956?
Q2) 28th January, 2016, saw the World Health Organisation announce An outbreak of which disease?
Q3) 28th January, 1896, saw Walter Arnold become the first person in human history to be convicted of what?
Q4) Henry 8th died on 28th January, 1547.   Who succeeded him as monarch?
Q5) Finally … 28th January, 1833, saw the birth of Charles George Gordon.   Between 1877 and 1879, General Gordon was Governor General of where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 27th January saw the lifting of siege of Leningrad.   The city had been besieged by which country’ forces?
A1) Germany’s: although there was a certain amount of activity from Finland.
Q2) In which year was it lifted?
A2) 1944.
Q3) The besieging army was led by Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb.   What rank did he hold?
A3) Generalfeldmarschall, or Field Marshall.
Q4) The siege was part of the invasion of the Soviet Union known as Operation … what … ?
Q5) Finally … Leningrad was said to have been besieged for how many days and nights: 700, 800 or 900?
A5) 900.   (As far as I can tell, it actually lasted for some 872 days.   Sometimes, poetry takes precedent …)
Here’s a thought …
“The only business of the head in the world is to bow a ceaseless obeisance to the heart.”
W. B.  Yeats, 13 June 1865 – 28 January 1939.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, @Badwolf!

†        Oh, I meant nine-hundred, Olga^: people tend to prefer poetry to accuracy, sometimes!   I’ll let you off, as you at least mentioned it.   And as for referenda … !   I think one was mooted, a few years ago: asking the people if Northern Ireland should stay in the UK, become independent, or unite with the Republic.   The Republic insisted everyone on Ireland be polled, Stormont (Northern Ireland’s Assembly) insisting JUST the North be questioned.   Oy … And it’s easy to forget, sometimes, that the Holocaust didn’t just affect Jews and Roma.   (I’m not sure if he knew: but Freemasons were also thrown into the camps.   My grandfather was a member.)

‡        That it does, Debbi, that it does!   Oh, cheers for the email: I can use your set up as a reference. It SEEMS to have sorted itself out, for the moment … but I still want to at least complain.   (After all, it seemed start, after the updates were installed.)

^        I take it you mean King of Thieves, Olga?   It’s maybe not Caine’s best heist movie — I think that’s still The Italian Job — but I found it very enjoyable.   And Jim Broadbent can be surprisingly menacing …


  1. Actually, folks, I’m feeling rather pleased: I’ve just done seven straight days of themed teasers … 

  2. Q1) Elvis Presley
    Q2) Zika virus
    Q3) speeding
    Q4) Edward VI (not for long)
    Q5) Sudan
    Yes, you're probably right about the movie. I tend to check rotten tomatoes before choosing movies, and if both, critics and public pan something, then it's usually pretty bad. There are sometimes big discrepancies and it does not work well for movies that have not premiered in the US (and some of the old ones...).

  3. (1) Elvis Presley (2)Zika virus (3)speeding (4) Edwrad VI(5) Sudan

  4. Glad I could help! :)

    1. Elvis Presley
    2. Zika virus
    3. speeding
    4. Edward VI
    5. the Sudan


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