
Sunday 10 February 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10-2-2019: HMS Dreadnought

10th February, 2019.

Right then … 

As you’ve possibly noticed from the introductory video … ?

I’ve now got a new pair of spectacles.

And, worryingly?   I’m thinking they make me look a little too much like Harry Potter for my comfort.   Although, as I mentioned, yesterday … ?

Ponder Stibbons — one of Terry Pratchett’s recurring characters — is a fictional someone I’d far prefer to be compared to.

After all, he’s a rocket wizard.


Have you been watching the news … ?

You, like I , would possibly be following the story of Emiliano Sala, the former Nantes player who’d been signed to Cardiff FC, and whose plane crashed on the way back to pick up his personal belongings.

How body’s been found.

Which is good.

But … ?

I’ve not been able to find the reference for this.   But I seem to remember reports that pilot had claimed to be out of practise with the model of plane.   That there were some doubts about an airworthiness certificate.

And that Sala himself had sent a message saying “ … I am now on board a plane that seems like it is falling to pieces …”


I’d love to hear the air accident report: I don’t about Sala’s family, but I’d like to know what happened …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five: and Debbi and Badwolf on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 10th February was the launch of HMS Dreadnought.   In which year?
Q2) The Dreadnought was launched by Britain’s them monarch.   Who was that monarch?
Q3) The ship was part of Britain’s Royal what?
Q4) It was also a member of the what: Home Fleet, Western Fleet or Far East Fleet?
Q5) The Dreadnought launched from a Naval dockyard where: Bristol, Portsmouth or Liverpool?
Q6) The building of the Dreadnought triggered an arms race between the UK … and where?
Q7) The ship had a uniform main battery.   In other words, all its what were the same size?
Q8) The Dreadnought was the first powered by what: nuclear generators, steam turbines or paddle wheels?
Q9) The HMS Dreadnought had a range of guitars named after it: guitars made by which company?
Q10) Finally … The HMS Dreadnought had a type of battleship named after it.   WHAT type of battleship?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) US Senator, Joe McCarthy, accused 205 staff of being communists: on the 9th February, 1950.   205 staff of US government department?
Q2) McCarthy’s speech was made during the Second … what?
A2) Second Red Scare.
Q3) During the same period, McCarthy persecuted gay men and women: during the what Scare?
A3) Lavender Scare.
Q4) Which government committee was involved with the McCarthy era witch-hunts?
A4) The body known as the House Un-American Activities Committee, House Committee on Un-American Activities, HCUA or HUAC.
Q5) Finally … ?   Which Arthur Miller player is said to be an allegory for the McCarthy era hearings?
Here’s a thought …
“So if the British public had come to expect their Navy to be world-beaters, they were delighted with Dreadnought, and eager to hear all about her.”
From How the Dreadnought sparked the 20th Century’s first arms race, written by Giles Edwards, from the BBC News site.
And a song played on a dreadnought style guitar…

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf^ … !

†        Oh, blimey, it sounds like the family’s has been unlucky, Olga^.   I’m assuming you’ve kept an eye on yourself?   These things can run in families, I’m told.   

‡        Oh, tell me, Debbi^!   It’s WORSE if a quiz master does it.   There’s always that one team member happy to leap on a mistake, and make life a misery for you.   I possibly don’t have to tell a former lawyer, I’d imagine there’s always that one … !   (Oh, um … about today’s set … I just had to fit the guitar question in, somewhere … )

^        I don’t know if anyone saw it float past, but Olga highlighted this video for us: this is sort of where things changed.   (I’m also surprised to see US government committees, and activities, in the 1950s were happy to be recorded by some of the broadcast press.   Something that didn’t happen in the UK, until the 1970s.)


  1. (1)1906 (2)King Edward VII.(3)Navy (4) Home Fleet (5), Portsmouth

  2. Q1) 1906
    Q2) Edward VII
    Q3) Navy
    Q4) Home Fleet
    Q5) Portsmouth
    Q6) Germany
    Q7) Guns
    Q8) Steam turbines
    Q9) C. F. Martin & Company
    Q10) The dreadnought (I’ve also read of semi-dreadnoughts and super-dreadnoughts).
    I remember one of our lecturers at Sussex played the recording of that part of the session for us, when we were talking about McCarthyism. Something that stays with you, for sure. And something people should be asking of many politicians, I'd dare say. (Although I guess the answer is clearly not).
    Don't worry about the glasses. I can't recall seeing you with the other glasses....
    What about the 1, 2, 3 stewardesses in Spain....
    (I know there was a British version many years back, although it was originally Spanish)...
    I like round glasses although I don't think they suit me personally, but I like them!

  3. Sigh. Okay. I can manage ten questions. I guess. :)

    1. 1906
    2. Edward VII
    3. Navy
    4. Home Fleet
    5. Portsmouth
    6. Germany
    7. cannons
    8. steam turbines
    9. C.F. Martin & Co.
    10. a dreadnought


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