
Saturday 9 February 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-2-2019: Tail Gunner Joe’s Big Mission …

9th February, 2019.

Yes: I’m going to have to send that movie back to Amazon.

It looks fantastic … but frankly?

I’m blowed if I can get the subtitle to work.

Frankly?   The film was made by Germans, written by Germans, stars Germans, and consequently?   Is in German, a language I don’t actually read?

Yes, I know it’s a silent movie.

It’s still all in German: the intertitle cards, at least.

It’s going back.


On other fronts … ?

On other fronts, my new glasses are due in.

On a day when the weather’s looking nasty.

Don’t you just love that?

Either way?

I’m looking forward to picking them up.

Although I’m worried that one pair — the ones I’ll be using everyday, including when I record videos for Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar — make me look like Harry Potter.

I can only hope someone mentions Ponder Stibbons, at some point … 


Just as a LAST thought … ?

There’s more updates available to macOS: now described as a ‘supplemental update for macOS 10.14.3’.

Seemingly, it’s the macOS patch for the FaceTime bug that’s been recently revealed.

I’m glad to see it.

I’m also slightly worried: as the last update made iMovie had to use … 

Oy vey … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi and Badwolf on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) US Senator, Joe McCarthy, accused 205 staff of being communists: on the 9th February, 1950.   205 staff of US government department?
Q2) McCarthy’s speech was made during the Second … what?
Q3) During the same period, McCarthy persecuted gay men and women: during the what Scare?
Q4) Which government committee was involved with the McCarthy era witch-hunts?
Q5) Finally … ?   Which Arthur Miller player is said to be an allegory for the McCarthy era hearings?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 8th February, 1952, saw Elizabeth 2nd proclaimed as Queen of the UK.   She is one of only two queens regnant on the throne, as of 2019.   Who’s the other … ?
Q2) The East German secret police were established: on 8th February, 1950.   What were those police called?
A2) The Ministry for State Security (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit), State Security Service (Staatssicherheitsdienst), or just as the Stasi.
Q3) 8th February, 2010, saw 36 avalanches triggered by a freak storm: in which mountain range … ?
A3) The Hindu Kush.
Q4) 8th February celebrated as Parinirvana Day: buy some members of which religion?
A4) Buddhism.
Q5) Finally … 8th February, 2017, saw the death of scriptwriter, Alan Simpson.   He’d famously worked on many comedy shows: with which writer? 
A5) Ray Galton.
Here’s a thought …
“Today we are engaged in a final, all-out battle between communistic atheism and Christianity. The modern champions of communism have selected this as the time, and ladies and gentlemen, the chips are down — they are truly down.”
Senator Joseph McCarthy^, from his speech on 9th February.
And, as Joe couldn’t stand Pete?

A song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf!   How’s the day … ?

†        To be frank, Olga?   I was vaguely relieved when she died: she’d — mentally — gone, years before.   Cancer can be extremely painful, I know: but the one person I know who died of it stayed herself to the end.   You’re right, I think: Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s … I don’t if I would simplify things and call them evil … but … well, cruel seems the word.   (Bizarrely?   I’m grateful Terry Pratchett came out as a sufferer: Alzheimer’s, and the right to die, are now openly discussed.)

‡        I have to admit, when I was doing live pub quizzes, Debbi, it was one of my favourite questions.   The amount of people that immediately answers with ‘Christmas Past,’ and end up kicking themselves … ?   Always amazes me … (Oh, the other one is “What’s the world’s most expensive suit?”   A space suit … … … … )

^        There’s a quote from Frank Herbert’s Dune that seems relevant, here.
“When religion and politics travel in the same cart, the riders believe nothing can stand in their way. Their movements become headlong - faster and faster and faster. They put aside all thoughts of obstacles and forget the precipice does not show itself to the man in a blind rush until it's too late.”


  1. (1) United States Department of State (2)Red Scare (3). 'Lavender Scare(4) Soviet(5) The Crucible

  2. Q1) United States Department of State
    Q2) Red Scare
    Q3) Lavender Scare
    Q4) House Committee of Un-American Activities
    Q5) The Crucible
    My father died of cancer, prostate, but by the time they'd diagnosed it he was riddle with bone metastases, and it was terrible. The treatment he tolerated only worked for a few months, and he just lived 13 months, many of them in hospital, he fractured his neck and couldn't eat or talk, and eventually he was left paralysed from the waist down. He died a few weeks later, and considering the type of man he was, I think it was a blessing. My grandmother had breast cancer and also suffered bone metastases and brain metastases and was very unwell by the end. Very hard on him and my mother (well, all of us).

  3. Well, it's an easy mistake. :)

    1. State Department
    2. term
    3. Red
    4. the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
    5. The Crucible


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