
Friday 1 February 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1st February, 2019

1st February, 2019.

It’s there … on the floor!

It’s … SNOW … !

I hate snow … !

Right at the moment, I’m due another hygienist’s appointment: at three.

And, given the snow?

I’m not heading out of the flat until I need it.

I know ‘freeze’ is used as a alternative to ‘anaesthetic’ … but I’d rather not turn up frozen … !


Remember, yesterday, that I told you about the phone call I’d had: from BT?

Offering an interview, if I could do the online assessment they were asking me to do?

Well … 

I had to ask myself if that was a scam.   I doubt it, somehow: the chap knew too many details about the job, and area.

To be honest, though … ?   And not wanting to get in trouble with the people who pay my benefits?

I sent a brief email to BT to ask about it.

What’ll happen as a result?

I don’t know … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*,Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all four scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ looking in.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st February, 1865, saw President Lincoln sign the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution into law.   The Amendment abolished what?
Q2) The Shard was opened to the public: on 1st February, 2013.   It’s the tallest building, where: Organisation of African Unity, the European Union or the Commonwealth of Nations?
Q3) More to the point, the Shard features in which episode of Dr Who?
Q4) Ayatollah Khomeini returned to his home nation, Iran, on 1st February, 1979.   As an Ayatollah, he’d’ve been a cleric of which version of Islam: Sufi, Shia or Sunni?
Q5) Finally … 1st February, 1872, saw the birth of singer, Clara Butt.   Was she a soprano, mezzo-soprano or contralto?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 31st January, 2018, was the night of a Blue Moon.   In other words, the second full moon of the what: week, month or season?
A1) Month.
Q2) 31st January, 2018, was also the date of a total … what?
A2) Total lunar eclipse.
Q3) 31st January, 1938, saw the birth of Beatrix: former queen of where … ?
Q4) 31st January, 1983, saw the people of the UK start having to use … what?
Q5) Finally … 31st January, 1968, become Nauru independent: of where?
A5) Australia.
Here’s a thought …
“Yesterday, there was a tsar, and there were slaves; today there is no tsar, but the slaves remain; tomorrow there will be only tsars. We march in the name of tomorrow’s free man — the royal man.”
Yevgeny Zamyatin, 1 February, 1884 – 10 March 1937.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning @Badwolf!   Trevor’s a hard man to persuade … !

†        Yeah, that sounds about right, Olga.   I think PART of the problem is the third party site they’re using: that never lets me reset a password.   But I also think the recruiter was possibly a touch … unclear of his facts … And yes: I do the same, with YouTube!

‡        Actually … Kelly’s on FB, now: I can let her know what you’ve said, Debbi!   (Oooh, ohh!   New Discovery … !)

^        Play fair, Trevor: I did publish your comment, as soon as you pointed out I’d missed it.


  1. (1) slavery(2)European Union (3)The Bells of Saint John (4) Twelver Shīʿā (5)contralto

  2. Q1) Slavery and involuntary servitude
    Q2) In the European Unit (I guess another building will soon get that great honour)
    Q3) The Bells of Saint John
    Q4) Shia
    Q5) contralto
    I got a weird e-mail today, in theory in reply to an e-mail of mine, and they sent a document and wanted a quote... No, I doubt that was genuine... Do wrap up warm!

  3. For what it's worth. :)

    1. slavery
    2. the European Union
    3. The Bells of Saint John
    4. Shia
    5. contralto


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