
Wednesday 27 February 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th February, 2019.

27th February, 2019.

Well … 

That seemed to go well.

As you may or may not know, I had an interview, yesterday.

For a call Centre job at Romford Magistrate Court, one I was nervous about … and one I really did not want to go to.

Nervous … possibly doesn’t even start … 

However … ?

It seemed to go well enough … but I’ll find out once the vetting’s done … 


Oh, remember, many years ago, I wrote about what I then called the Comantra Scam*: where someone phones up — claiming to be from a reputable company — and claims you have an issue with your PC.   They’s also called a Technical Support scam.

Then cons you out of your hard earned cash, by spending it on useless software: or by conning you into handing remote control or you machine … THEN selling you useless software …

Well, I’ve just had another call: from someone claiming to be from the BT Technical Department.

I’m thankful I know about these things.

I’m thankful I’m aware these calls usually seem to happen early in the morning.

I’m thankful I managed to confuse the HELL out of the woman who called me.

Asking her if it had anything to do with my gibbon seemed to confuse the daylights out of her … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf†, Lucy‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Badwolf and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Lucy on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 27th February is World NGO Day.   NGO, in this case, stand for Non Government … what?
Q2) NGO’s are usually what: non-profit, illegal or hyperactive?
Q3) 27th February is also Anosmia Awareness Day.   Anosmia sufferers have no sense of … what?
Q4) 27th February is International Polar Bear Day.   Islands in which country have been invaded by polar bears?
Q5) Finally … FC Bayern München was founded on 27th February, 1900.   The football club is based in which German city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Keddies closed on 26th February, 1996.   The department store was in which Essex coastal town?
A1) Southend on Sea.
Q2) Four years later: 26th February, 2000, saw the UK government attempt to gag whistleblower, David Shayler.   Shayler was a former officer for … whom … ?
A2) MI5.
Q3) 26th February, 1929, saw President Calvin Coolidge sign the executive Order that established the Grand Teton National Park.   That park is in which state?
A3) Wyoming.
Q4) Scientist, Robert Watson-Watt, arranged a demonstration: on 26th February, 1935.   The demo led to Britain’s development of what?
Q5) Finally … ?   26th February, 2013, saw what crash, near Luxor, in Egypt?
Here’s a thought …
“If it is the mark of the artist to love art before everything, to renounce everything for its sake, to think all the sweet human things of life well lost if only he may attain something, do some good, great work - then I was never an artist.”
Actress, Ellen Terry, 27 February 1847[1] – 21 July 1928.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I called it that as — the first time I heard of the scam — the call came from a company called Comantra, who claimed to have Microsoft gold certification.

†        Yeah, I’ve learnt to stay away from them, Badwolf!   Oh, keep your eyes peeled for the Technical Department scams: they’re on the go, again!

‡        I wouldn’t worry too much, Lucy: four out of five’s not bad.   The only way is up, after all!

^        It gets worse: there’s some late night video coming, too, Debbi!   (I WISH I had a green screen: I REALLY want to nail that Max Headroom effect!)


  1. (1_organizations(2) non-profit(3)loss of the sense of smell, (4)Russia (5) Munich

  2. So many different days today. Who comes up with this stuff? :)

    1. organization
    2. non-profit
    3. smell
    4. Russia
    5. Munich


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