
Thursday 28 February 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-2-2019: Bugsy.

28th February, 2019.

Yes, I know: that’s a bizarre thing to say … 

But … ?

Every so often, I’ve woken up, first thing in the morning, convinced Tom Baker’s death is just about to get announced on the news.

Weird?   Possibly: after all, the man’s not getting any younger.

But also the man who defined the Doctor as non-human … is also very much alive.

So that notion … ?

Well, weird doesn’t start … !


Just as a quick question … ?

Are you in the UK?

You’re possibly aware of the Brexit Situation: even if you aren’t.

Just so you know … ?

I voted Remain, back in 2016: so the ensuing vote to leave?   Wasn’t something I wanted.

For starters, nobody in government seems to agree on what sort of Brexit’s wanted: hard, soft, deal, no deal, Canada plus, Norway style, with or without a backstop, whether we should introduce a delay … 

With roughly a month left — we leave on 29th March — to agree any kind of deal, we’re getting close too a no-deal exit.

Again, STILL not something I want.

There’s been talk — talk — of a no deal exit, at the worst case.

There’s been talk — talk — of a delay.   Possibly, that’s needed.

There’s been talk — talk — of a second referendum.   Certainly the first was flawed.

There’s now an official position from Labour: the parliamentary party who formed the UK’s Official Opposition.

They’re going to support a second referendum.


I’d LOVE to see one: and hope for a Remain result in it.

But that depends on a couple of things.

Legislation for a second referendum successfully going through Parliament.

And what the question* on a Second referendum actually is.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 28th February, 1906, saw the birth of Bugsy Siegel.   What first name was he given at birth?
Q2) Bugsy started his criminal career in a gang with Meyer … who?
Q3) Bugsy was part of the Jewish American crime mobs known as Undzer Shtik (אונדזער שטיק).   In English, Undzer Shtik means … what?
Q4) Siegel was also a member of which ‘M’?
Q5) Finally … Bugsy was instrumental in setting up the entertainment capital of the world.   In other words … which city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 27th February is World NGO Day.   NGO, in this case, stand for Non Government … what?
Q2) NGO’s are usually what: non-profit, illegal or hyperactive?
Q3) 27th February is also Anosmia Awareness Day.   Anosmia sufferers have no sense of … what?
A3) Smell.
Q4) 27th February is International Polar Bear Day.   Islands in which country have been invaded by polar bears?
A4) Russia.
Q5) Finally … FC Bayern München was founded on 27th February, 1900.   The football club is based in which German city?
A5) Munich: München is the German name for Munich.
Here’s a thought …
“We only kill each other.”
Bugsy Siegel.
And a song … for possibly the only appropriate musical …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        One option I saw, a few months ago?   Was a two-part second referendum^.   The first vote would be a repeat of the 2016 vote.   It would ask if the people of the UK if they wanted to remain in, or leave, the EU.   If the Leave side won, there would be a second vote, a week later: asking voters what sort of leave deal they want.   I don’t think a second referendum will go there … but that seems reasonable to me: if Leave won a second time, it would give people a chance to tell Parliament what deal should go through.   The House of Commons has a made a hash of that, so far.

†        Morning, Badwolf!

‡        Well … people with no sense of smell, Debbi …  and the Anosmia Awareness Group … I’m getting a funny look, aren’t I … ?

^        Last time around?   Last time around, the 2016 referendum wasn’t that long after the Scottish Independence referendum: that saw those aged 16 to 18 to vote.   I was working in the Brentwood KFC at the time: they were a lot of kids that age who were customers … and who would have loved to have the same chance as those Scottish kids.   Someone, somewhere … ?   Doesn’t want to set the precedent … 


  1. (1)Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel (2)Lansky (3)Jewish Mafia (4)Murder, Inc. (5)Los Angeles

  2. Sounds like you guys are having nearly as much fun with national politics as we are! :)

    1. Benjamin
    2. Lansky
    3. Kosher Nostra
    4. Mafia
    5. Las Vegas (and here I thought Hollywood was the entertainment capital)


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