
Sunday 3 March 2019

El Ministerio del Tiempo/The Ministry of Time — Series 2: Episode 7 — Tiempo de valientes I/Time of the braves - part one — A Review.

3rd March, 2019.

Yes: it’s a quiet Sunday night: and frankly?

It’s the night before my birthday: tomorrow.

If you want give me huge amounts of cash?

You’d be welcome.

Or, alternatively … ?

You can donate money to my Facebook fundraiser: for the Alzheimer’s Society.

Which hasn’t learnt the target £150 … 

But HAS raised a nice amount.

I think?   I owe everyone who’s donated — through the page, and otherwise — a big thank you.

Thank You … !


But … ?

That’s beside the point, that really is … 


I’m not another year older, until tomorrow … 

I AM on my own, tonight … 

And thinking it’s a perfect night to catch another episode of El Ministerio del Tiempo/The Ministry of Time, Series 2.

You’re right … 

Part one of a two parter is in the mix


Episode 7 — Tiempo de valientes I/Time of the braves - part one — takes us back in time: showing us that confrontation between Salvador Martí (Jaime Blanch) and Susana Torres (Mar Saura) … 

Only to add a scene: of Salvador phoning Julián (series regular, Rodolfo Sancho): to let the latter know there’s issues back at base.

Julián — still in exile after his attempt to prevent his wife dying — was working as an army medic during Spain’s occupation of 1898 Cuba … 

But has moved from there to the Philippines … and has promised a dying soldier he’ll take a prize family heirloom to the man’s lover, in the village of Baler.

Things are bad … but could get worse … 

Not that the rest of the squad — Amelia, Alonso and Pacino (Aura Garrido, Nacho Fresneda and Hugo Silva) — has been caught up in the office politics.

The Ministry … ?   Is getting attention from the auditors … and the team are caught in it.   Alonso and Pacino are inventorying the Doors*, themselves … whilst Amelia is really happy … doing paperwork … !

When frankly?   She’d rather be talking to Julián† …


Now … 

Good … ?

Good, grief, yes!

Tonight’s episode is the first of two parts: so I can’t comment completely on Time of the Braves.

I can tell you this, though.

Again, the standard of the show is VERY high, with Julián stranded in the middle of the Filipino Revolution, the office politics getting seriously intent, Pacino and Amelia getting closer, Don Ernesto finding he has more than one child … 

And Alonso … finding a woman who is the spit of his long gone wife, Blanca …

Can someone give me another free night … ?

I really want to see part two!

*        Just as a brief reminder?   The Ministry has access to the Doors of Time.   The Doors are perfectly normal looking doors, very average looking.   You go past one, you wouldn’t even guess it was special.   The Ministry’s staff?   Will have a very good idea where it goes.   (Door 13 get’s a look in, tonight: it goes to a section of ministry doors … last year … or maybe next yeah …)

†        Actually, am I the only one who can see a Julián/Amelia/Pacino love triangle coming?   No spoilers, now!

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