
Friday 1 March 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-3-2019: Saint David’s Day

1st March, 2019.

Yes: it’s official … I’m mildly nervous.

And not about getting accosted by daffodil waving Welsh people.

No … 

Remember, last week, I had an interview at BT’s Brentwood office?

Today is the day I’m expecting to hear — one way or the other — I’m due to hear if I’ve got the job.

I would seriously like the job.

It’s local, very well paid, and sounds doable … 

On the OTHER hand … ?

As much as I’d like a ‘You’re Hired,’ I’m expecting ‘We’re sorry, but …’

Either way … ?

Well … nerves … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring four out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st March is Saint David’s Day.   The saint is patron of Wales.   Wales … and who else: writers, painters or poets?
Q2) He’s also patron saint of whom: chefs, vegetarians or cheesemakers?
Q3) Kate Roberts was a noted Welsh writer.   In which language?
Q4) The Welsh flag features a red dragon on an green and white background.   The green and white background are a nod to the now Royal house that has its originals in Wales.   Which house IS that?   (It’s not the current Royal family)
Q5) Finally … ?   Glamorgan sausage is made out of what: pork, cheese or beef?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 28th February, 1906, saw the birth of Bugsy Siegel.   What first name was he given at birth?
A1) Benjamin.
Q2) Bugsy started his criminal career in a gang with Meyer … who?
A2) Meyer Lansky.
Q3) Bugsy was part of the Jewish American crime mobs known as Undzer Shtik (אונדזער שטיק).   In English, Undzer Shtik means … what?
A3) Our thing, or its variations.   (It’s the Yiddish equivalent of the Italian phrase, Cosa Nostra.)
Q4) Siegel was also a member of which ‘M’?
Q5) Finally … Bugsy was instrumental in setting up the entertainment capital of the world.   In other words … which city?
A5) Las Vegas.   (The Flamingo, on the Las Vegas Strip … ?   Was Bugsy’s.)
Here’s a thought …
“Be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed. Do the little things that you have seen me do and heard about. I will walk the path that our fathers have trod before us.”
Words commonly attributed to Saint David.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf!   (Actually, it means ‘undzer shtik.’   Yeah, it’s the Jewish Mafia … but … )

†        Oh, don’t even get me started, Debbi:‡ the thing’s a complete fucbastfarce from start to finish.   That’s assuming there’s a finish: it may be delayed.   There’s a thing called the European Health Insurance Card.   You claim one when you go on holiday to an EU country, and — whilst the UK’s still a member — it means that the NHS pays for your healthcare if you’re ill.   If we get a no deal exit?   Bang goes the card.   (Oh, ‘undzer shtik,’ and ‘cosa nostra,’ both mean ‘Our thing’ … )

‡        About entertainment … … … … … … 


  1. (1) Poets (2)vegetarians (3) Welsh-language (4)Tudor (5) cheese

  2. Ack! I should have known that. I've heard that Cosa Nostra means Our Thing. Oh, well.

    1. poets
    2. vegetarians
    3. Welsh
    4. Tudor
    5. cheese


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