
Tuesday 30 April 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30th April, 2019.

30th April, 2019.

Right … 

Bar picking up some medications?

I’ve got a quiet day, ahead!

And a frustration or two.

Right now?

The interviews offers seem to have dried up, at the moment.

That’s frustrating … 

And gives me the suspicion I’m going to be off work for a while … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) King Willem-Alexander was named as King on 30th April, 2013: after the abdication of his mother, Queen Beatrix.   As monarch of where?
Q2) 30th April is International Jazz Day.   The first jazz record was released in which year?
Q3) The Vietnam War finished: on 30th April, 1975.   When which city unconditionally surrendered?
Q4) 30th April, 1982, saw the birth of actress, Kirsten Dunst.   In which film did she play Claudia?
Q5) Finally … ?   George Washington was sworn in as president: on 30th April, 1789.   The swearing in was in Federal Hall: on which New York street was Federal Hall?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 29th April, 1899, saw the birth of which band leader?
A1) Edward Kennedy Duke Ellington.
Q2) Emperor Hirohito was born on 29th April, 1901.   Who takes over as Japanese emperor: on the 30th April of this year?
A2) Naruhito: Hirohito’s grandson.
Q3) 29th April is the feast day of Saint Endelienta.   The saint’s main church?   Is in which English county?
A3) Cornwall.
Q4) 29th April, 1986, saw the burial of the Duchess of Windsor.   Who had she been married to?
A4) The Duke of Windsor: better known as Edward 8th, who abdicated from the throne, in order to marry her.
Q5) Finally … ?   29th April, 1931, saw the birth of singer, Lonnie Donegan.   What — in 1955 — was his first UK hit?
Here’s a thought …
“What actor do you really take seriously who becomes a singer? It’s kind of ridiculous. I can’t think of anybody.”
Kirsten Dunst, born 30th April, 1982.
And two songs.

One: because it’s Bobby Vee’s birthday …

And the other to show you that you CAN take Kirsten Dunst seriously … !

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf!   You did well, on Friday: I didn’t know if you’d seen your score.

†        Glad to have you back, Olga: and glad to here you weren’t THAT ill!   You missed a Freudian teaser, by the way!   Yeah, we managed to track down the details we needed: through the control panels.   But, my LORD, what a palaver!

‡        I’ll keep an eye, peeled, Debbi: always handy to have a good tune!   Oh, wait, hang on … JUST had a look: EMI is down … !   I THINK there’s possibly a licensing issue!


  1. (1)Netherlands (2)1917 (3)Saigon(Ho Chi Minh) (4) Interview with the Vampire(5) Wall street
    No didn't see my score

  2. Just as a thought for you?

    I’ve got an experiment run of videos: starting from tomorrow.

    I’ll be including yesterday’s answers … 

    Hopefully, that’ll boost the viewers

  3. Q1) The Netherlands
    Q2) 1917
    Q3) Saigon
    Q4) Interview with the Vampire
    Q5) Wall Street
    I'm sorry about the interviews. I think you were due for a follow up interview when I left, but I hope things get moving in the right direction soon.
    I was worried when I started feeling unwell because my mother had been ill with a stomach bug a few days earlier and I wondered if it would be the same thing, because she was out for the count for a couple of days, but thankfully it didn't take me that long to get over it.
    Be well!

  4. Good luck with the jobs and the videos! :)

    1. The Netherlands
    2. 1917
    3. Saigon (at the time--it's now Ho Chi Minh City)
    4. Interview with the Vampire
    5. Wall Street (where else? :))

    I await your judgment on the parody attempt. :)


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