
Sunday 7 April 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th April, 2019.

7th April, 2019.

You’re probably aware I’m a Mac fan, aren’t you … ?

One who’s had a Mac for quite some time, and one who’s had trouble with iMovie: after some updates.


Those seem to have been solved: after more recent updates.

I know have a functioning version of iMovie.

In fact … ?   And as I asked in today’s intro … ?

I think the intro in last night’s post — about Westworld —was just a bit … 

Overdone … !

If you can let me know … ?


Oh, that’s a thought … 

I’ve always taken an interest in the history of Bletchley Park: the code breaking centre that was vital to the Allied success in World War Two.

It seems reconstruction of the Heath Robinson machine — the machine used to decrypt high level messages — has now been completed.

I visited the National Museum of Computing, with friends, many years ago: where we saw it displayed.


The fact it’s now in action?   Means I’d love to see it again!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 7th April, 2009, saw former President Alberto Fujimora convicted of human rights abuses.   Fujimora is the former president of where?
Q2) Sir Clive Sinclair sold his computer business: on 7th April, 1986.   To which company: Acorn, Apple or Amstrad?
Q3) The World Trade Organisation ruled on the US dispute with the EU: on 7th April, 1999.   The dispute was about what … ?
Q4) The UN established the WHO on 7th April, 1948.   The WHO is the World what organisation?
Q5) Finally … ?   Which Rodgers and Hammerstein musical opened on Broadway: on 7th April, 1949?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Who was arrested at the Cadogan Hotel, on 6th April, 1895?
Q2) NASA launched its Pioneer 11 probe on 6th April, 1973.   The probe was heading where: Mars, Venus or the Asteroid belt?
A2) The Asteroid Belt.
Q3) 6th April, 1989, saw the UK’s government announce it was cancelling the NDLS scheme.   The scene guaranteed worked for whom: miners, train drivers or dockers.
A3) Dockers.   NDLS stood for National Dock Labour Scheme.
Q4) 4th April, 1929, saw the birth of conductor, André Previn.   He famously accursed who of playing all the wrong notes?
A4) Eric Morecombe.   (Previn ad-libbed his “I’ll get my baton. It’s in Chicago” line: and got praise from both Eric AND Ernie.)
Q5) Finally … John 1st was named as king: on 6th April, 1385.   Of where … ?
A5) Portugal.
Here’s a thought …
“I think my attitude has always been to put food on the table.”
James Garner, April 7, 1928 – July 19, 2014.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf.   You’re right, Time Bandits is a good one!

†        Hang on, Barnsley, Olga?   They do know you’ve moved?   (There’s a game called Paranoia: that relies on jokes about bureaucratic mistakes: sort of like Brazil, crossed with Ghostbusters.   But Barnsley … ?   Well … !)

‡        Really?   Well, that’s the first good word I’ve heard about it, Debbi.   Mind you, most of the bad I’ve heard about The Italian Job, comes from people in the UK: it’s the old “separated by a common language” thing, rearing its head!   Actually … I loved the Hitchhikers remake: Mos Def was perfect!   You’re right about the remake of The Prisoner.   It tries telling you who Number 1 is!


  1. (1)Peru (2) Amstrad(3)bananas(4) Health Organization(5) South Pacific
    Morning Loved Time bandits

  2. Q1) Peru
    Q2) Amstrad
    Q3) Bananas
    Q4) Health
    Q5) South Pacific (A big favourite of mine).
    Seeing the machine in action would be fascinating, I’m sure. I have a book called Voices of the Codebreakers, which I hope to get to soon, and I’m truly looking forward to it. I’ll let you know when I publish the review (and if you’re interested I could always send it on. It’s a paperback).
    No, it seems Barnsley don't know I have moved, although I informed them I had sold my house, not to have to carry on paying council tax, but I guess one department probably doesn't communicate with another. I got my election card here, so it seems here they know where I am... (Mind you, I also got an e-mail about what to do if I wanted to make sure I could vote from abroad, but that was from the organisation who were looking after the votes about the Catalonian independence question, so I'm sure they don't get central information).

  3. Ugh, ugh, ugh ... on that Prisoner remake!! As someone once put it, "There. I said it!" :)

    I can appreciate why people (especially in your neck o' the woods) would prefer the original Italian Job. I suspect Great Aunt Nelly would feel similarly. :-)

    1. Peru
    2. Amstrad
    3. bananas (a word that could describe politics lately ... I'll stop there!)
    4. Health
    5. South Pacific

  4. OMG! I love Leo McKern. That laugh!!

    "I am not a number. I am a free man!"


  5. If Bletchey Park interests you, you'd probably like the National Cryptologic Museum. It's not far from me, actually:


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