
Thursday 23 May 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-5-2019: World Turtle Day

23rd May, 2019.

Right … 

As you’ll possibly be aware?

I’m unemployed, at the moment.   And have to report to my local Job Centre, every couple of weeks.

I managed to miss the last one.

And got my self sanctioned as a result.

Understandably, I’ve been kicking myself for missing the thing: especially given that the financial penalties are quite severe.


You’re allowed what’s called a Mandatory Reconsideration: an appeal, in other words.

That I managed to do, yesterday.


Even if I don’t get the sanction cancelled, I’ll hopefully get the penalty reduced.


Tech fan that I am?   I’ve been keeping an eye on Huawei’s troubles, just recently.

Famously, the Chinese firm’s infrastructure section is having issues.

Many countries have security concerns about its links to the Chinese government.

The US has recently banned US companies and government departments from using Huawei’s products: which lead Google to cut ties with Huawei.

Yesterday?   Yesterday, ARM — the chip company that makes chips for most of the world’s smart phones and tablets — announced that — as they have to use some US technology in their chips — they were to stop selling to the Chinese giant.

That’s … significant: as Huawei will have to find other chips for their phone.

Today … ?

Panasonic seems to be making similar declarations on its Western websites … but not necessarily on its Chinese ones.

I’m greeting the feeling Huawei … is having bigger problems than it was expecting … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 23rd May is World Turtle Day.   The day is supposed to celebrate turtles … and what else?
Q2) The latter generally live on dry … what?
Q3) The word, turtle refers to water-dwelling creatures.   In American English, British English or Canadian English?
Q4) Turtles, and their dryer relatives, lay … what?
Q5) Turtles have shells.   These shells are part of their what: spine, ribs or tail bone?
Q6) Some water dwelling turtles are actually … what?
Q7) Giant land turtles are found in the Galápagos Islands — in the Pacific Ocean — and the Aldabra Atoll.   The Aldabra Atoll is in which Ocean?
Q8) Which fantasy setting is on the back of four giant elephants, on the back of a giant turtle?
Q9) You’d find the Mock Turtle: in books by whom?
Q10) Finally … ?   Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello are the … whom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Peter Sutcliffe — The Yorkshire Ripper — was jailed: on 22nd May of which year?
A1) 1981.
Q2) He was sentenced — on the day —  to a minimum term of how many years in gaol: twenty, thirty or forty?
A2) Thirty.   (A whole life tariff was later imposed, in 2010.)
Q3) The Ripper began his sentence in which prison?
Q4) Sutcliffe spent many years in which hospital?
A4) Broadmoor.
Q5) Finally?   Sutcliffe is now being held at which Prison?
Here’s a thought …
“I got a few speeding tickets when I was young, but I’m a little more like the turtle than the hare.”
Christopher Lloyd.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Anne.   Yeah, I’ve managed to remove the ‘_’ from your Twitter handle.   I’ll start paying more attention!

†        I get the impression, Olga, that Broadmoor’s an architectural jewel … if that’s the sort of thing you go for!   And yes, I get the same sort of offers from BT: USUALLY, they wave mobile phone deals at me.   The whole router thing, though?   Well … !   Yep, the tune’s been changed, as far as I can tell!   Oh, the episode I watched last night?   Apparently, the village its set in was the home town of a chap who invented a improved mop and bucket.   They’ve got a statue … of the mop and bucket … JUST as a final thought … ?   Umm … 

‡        I have to say, Debbi, we got a lot of mock Judoon, last night.   Cho Ro Po Ho Slow … ! Moper Dooper Do … Ma HO!  Ahem … !


  1. (1) tortoises (2)land(3)British (4) lay eggs (5)Ribs (6) (7) Indian Ocean (8)Discworld (9) Lewis Carroll (10)Ninja Turtles

  2. Q1) Tortoises
    Q2) land
    Q3) American English
    Q4) eggs
    Q5) ribs (and spine? It depends on what you read or how you read it)
    Q6) Some water dwelling turtles are actually … what? Not sure what you are asking… I guess there could be different answers… Vegetarians?
    Q7) Indian Ocean
    Q8) Discworld
    Q9) Lewis Carroll
    Q10) Teenage Ninja Turtles
    Not bad! Good luck with the job centre situation!

  3. Oh, my! BTW, you are being nominated. Your blog, actually. On Saturday. On the film review blog.

    You don't have to do anything. But feel free to participate, if you like.

    1. tortoises
    2. land
    3. British English
    4. eggs
    5. ribs
    6. amphibious
    7. the Indian Ocean
    8. Discworld (!!!)
    9. Lewis Carroll
    10. the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


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