
Friday 24 May 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th May, 2019.

24th May, 2019.

Yes: it’s true.

Yesterday was Thursday.

Which, by now, means simply that I get a visit from my nephew, Jude.

Who’s … 

Well, definitely on school holiday.

And definitely feeling confident enough to want to grab my chair and announce he’d like to learn how to use iMovie, to edit a video … 

At least with help … 

We MAY have to let Mummy know he need’s a Mac … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring nine out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 24th May, 2015, saw the death of writer, Tanith Lee.   Which British TV series did she write for?
Q2) 24th May, 1949, saw the birth of actor, Jim Broadbent.   In which series did he play Archmaester Ebrose?
Q3) 24th May, 1991, saw the start of Operation Solomon.   The covert exercise airlift jews to Israel … from where?
Q4) The High Court awarded damages to Sonia Sutcliffe: on 24th May, 1989.   Who had she been married to?
Q5) 24th May, 1607, saw one hundred settlers disembark at was to become the first permanent English colony in American.   Which Virginian colony was it?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 23rd May is World Turtle Day.   The day is supposed to celebrate turtles … and what else?
A1) Tortoises.   (You can find the Wikipedia entry, here.)
Q2) The latter generally live on dry … what?
A2) Land.
Q3) The word, turtle refers to water-dwelling creatures.   In American English, British English or Canadian English?
A3) British English.   (In American English, ‘turtle’ is the generic term for both.   In British English, ‘turtle’ is used for the seawater animal.)
Q4) Turtles, and their dryer relatives, lay … what?
A4) Eggs.
Q5) Turtles have shells.   These shells are part of their what: spine, ribs or tail bone?
A5) Ribs.
Q6) Some water dwelling turtles are actually … what?
A6) Terrapins.   (I believe the difference is simple: turtles live in the sea, terrapins are fresh-water.   Time to find a specialist …)
Q7) Giant land turtles are found in the Galápagos Islands — in the Pacific Ocean — and the Aldabra Atoll.   The Aldabra Atoll is in which Ocean?
A7) The Indian Ocean.   (The chain’s near the Seychelles.)
Q8) Which fantasy setting is on the back of four giant elephants, on the back of a giant turtle?
A8) The Discworld.   (Oh, come on, what did you expect?)
Q9) You’d find the Mock Turtle: in books by whom?
Q10) Finally … ?   Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello are the … whom?
A10) The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.   (If I didn’t mention them?   Jude would never forgive me.)
Here’s a thought …
“A song is anything that can walk by itself.”
Bob Dylan, born May 24, 1941.
And a song with legs …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Anne^!

†        I’m keeping my fingers crossed, Olga^.   If I can get the amount down, I’m laughing!

‡        I’ll keep my eyes open, Debbi^!

^        Oh, just so everyone knows?   Some turtles are terrapins.   If I’ve got it right, turtles are seawater creatures, terrapins are freshwater turtles/tortoise/testudinoids/chelonians … … … animals …


  1. (1) Blake's 7 (2)Game of Thrones(3)Ethiopian (4) Peter Sutcliffe. (5) Jamestown

  2. Q1) Blake’s 7
    Q2) Game of Thrones
    Q3) Ethiopia
    Q4) Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper
    Q5) Jamestown
    Keep me posted!

  3. Shame on me for not knowing about terrapins. That's the University of Maryland mascot! :)

    1. Blake's 7
    2. Game of Bones, I mean, Game of Thrones :)
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Peter Sutcliffe
    5. Jamestown

    Here's where you'll find the nomination:

    And the Towel Day post will be here:


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