
Saturday 25 May 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th May, 2019

25th May, 2019.

Yes: yesterday was a slow news day.

Or, at least, a news day dominated by just the one thing: the resignation of Theresa May.

There’s possibly a lot to say, there.

Personally?   I actually feel sympathetic.

Granted, she made the mistake of calling the snap General Election in 2017: with a smaller majority than in 2015.

But a mostly Remain MP landed up trying to push through Brexit.

And it really wasn’t the Parliament for it.

Equally as personally?

I’m thinking the same I did when Gordon Brown took over as PM.   When John Major did.

Theresa May’s successor should call an election.

That will:

Hopefully break the deadlock in Parliament.

And means we get a Prime Minister we voted for.

Rather than someone who’s been put in place by a clique.

Either way … ?

I’m glad I kept those Green Party posters.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May takes place in which Terry Pratchett novel?
Q2) Who’s the central character of that book^?
Q3) A bomb went off at Northwestern University: on 25th May, 1978.   The explosion was the first known bomb set by whom?
Q4) 25th May, 2018, saw the Republic of Ireland vote to repeal Article 8 of its Constitution: and allow … what?
Q5) 25th May, 2012, saw the DragonX become the first Commercial spacecraft to rendezvous with what?
Q6) Finally … ?   25th May, 1939, saw the birth of noted Shakespearean, Sir Ian McKellen.   He’s a co-founder of which LGBT rights group?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 24th May, 2015, saw the death of writer, Tanith Lee.   Which British TV series did she write for?
A1) Blake’s 7.   (Sand and Sarcophagus were rather riveting …)
Q2) 24th May, 1949, saw the birth of actor, Jim Broadbent.   In which series did he play Archmaester Ebrose? 
A2) Game of Thrones.
Q3) 24th May, 1991, saw the start of Operation Solomon.   The covert exercise airlift jews to Israel … from where?
A3) Ethiopia.
Q4) The High Court awarded damages to Sonia Sutcliffe: on 24th May, 1989.   Who had she been married to?
A4) Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper.
Q5) 24th May, 1607, saw one hundred settlers disembark at was to become the first permanent English colony in American.   Which Virginian colony was it?
A5) Jamestown.
Here’s a thought …
“Fate laughs at probabilities.”
Book 1, Chapter 10, Eugene Aram, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 25 May 1803 – 18 January 1873.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Anne: how’s today … ?

†        Will do, Olga!

‡        I’ll have a look at those, later, Debbi.   I might have to miss out, it that’s OK … ?   It’s almost time to start video making!

^        I always felt Sir Terry drew some very familiar characters: you’ve met a Granny Weatherwax, a Nanny Ogg, a Susan Sto Helit.   Carcer, the villain of the novel I’m asking about?   I’ve met about three of him in the course of my pub career: none of them are as nice as Carcer … 


  1. Q1) Night Watch
    Q2) Sir Samuel Vimes
    Q3) The Unabomber
    Q4) Abortion
    Q5) The International Space Station
    Q6) Stonewall
    I'm covering the local elections in the district tomorrow in the evening, so it might turn out to be a pretty long Sunday. I'm with you on the May issue. To be honest, I'm not sure what to hope for there...

  2. No problem, Paul! :) Thanks for stopping by my YouTube channel.

    Keep your towel handy. And don't panic! :)

    1. Night Watch
    2. Samuel Vimes
    3. Theodore Kaczynski, aka, the Unabomber
    4. abortion
    5. the International Space Station
    6. Stonewall

    Happy Towel Day!


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