
Sunday 26 May 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26-5-2019: Our George.

26th May, 2019.

Did I ever mention I had a couple of … extra accounts?

Extra social media accounts, that is: that would’ve been used, originally, to help promoted Nik Nak’a Old Peculiar.

And that I’d not actually used for several years.

After my step-father’s recent death?

I had to admit to having concerns that his social media hadn’t been closed.   Something I’m still concerned about, but that isn’t necessarily for me to handle.

It DID get me thinking, though.

I’d closed my old — and long since abandoned — Hotmail account many years ago.   After someone had managed to highjack it, and start sending out spam.

So I figured that doing the same with the extra Gmail account was a good idea.

But that first?   I should delete the extra Twitter and Facebook accounts.

It did take a while.

Especially as I had to log into my old MacPro tower to get the relevant passwords!

Still … 

Frankly … ?

Job done … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring six out of six.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) George Formby was born on 26th May: in which year of the 20th Century?
Q2) He was born in which Lancashire town?
Q3) George played various versions of which instrument?
Q4) In which 1946 film does George play George Harper?
Q5) Finally … ?   Formby’s song, Chinese Laundry Blues, was the first to feature whom … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May takes place in which Terry Pratchett novel?
Q2) Who’s the central character of that book?
A2) Commander Sam Vime.   (Or His Grace, His Excellency, His Blackboard Monitorship, The Duke of Ankh; Commander Sir Samuel Vimes, if you want to get picky.)
Q3) A bomb went off at Northwestern University: on 25th May, 1978.   The explosion was the first known bomb set by whom?
A3) Ted Kaczynski: also known as the Unabomber.
Q4) 25th May, 2018, saw the Republic of Ireland vote to repeal Article 8 of its Constitution: and allow … what?
A4) Abortions.
Q5) 25th May, 2012, saw the DragonX become the first Commercial spacecraft to rendezvous with what?
A5) The ISS, or International Space Station.
Q6) Finally … ?   25th May, 1939, saw the birth of noted Shakespearean, Sir Ian McKellen.   He’s a co-founder of which LGBT rights group?
A6) Stonewall.
Here’s a thought …
“I’m just a clown without the make-up, the circus clown who magnifies the reactions of ordinary people to the things that happen around them.”
George Formby.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yes, you’re right, Olga: this election’s up in the air.   Our’s was Thursday, just gone: the results are issued tonight.   I get the impression it’s going to be a fairly even split between pro and anti.   With Labour and Tory ignored.   Who knows: but it’s going to be … very iffy‡ … … As for Mrs May’s situation … ?   Well, I’ve written the Teaser for that day.   Sometimes the news just hands you a theme.

†        Oh, I never panic, Debbi.   Much … !   I just keep thinking the chance to wear some lilac would be good.   It’s from Night Watch: Sam and the rest of the characters involved all wear lilac as a mark of respect to those who died in the Revolution.


  1. Q1) 1904
    Q2) Wigan
    Q3) Ukelele (and the banjo)
    Q4) George in Civvy Street
    Q5) Mr. Wu
    Old accounts are always difficult and I do agree on the issue of Facebook accounts (I mostly use mine for messaging some relatives and to share reviews in some groups but little else). I keep a password protected document with all my passwords (on my computer, but also on a memory stick) that I update whenever I change one of them, but I know there are some accounts I've closed since...

  2. That sounds good. Carry on! :)

    1. 1904
    2. Wigan
    3. the ukulele
    4. George in Civvy Street
    5. Mr. Wu


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