
Saturday 4 May 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th May 2019

4th May, 2019.

Yes: it’s official.

I have a bag, courtesy of the Office of National Statistics.

I got picked for a survey they’ve been running.

Which was online, didn’t take long … 

And earned me a free gift. 

A bag.

I THINK, given my height, and the length of the handles?

It’s going to end up being dragged across the floor … 


Now … 

About the Election results?

I’ve just downloaded them on my phone.

To my phone, THEN uploaded the .pdf to my Google drive, then downloaded it to my desktop.

Where I could look at the results for my ward.

The Greens, the party I voted for?   Haven’t won.

But HAVE improved their results: 114 votes, compared to the last election’s 96.

The local Conservative councillor?   Has now been replaced by a Liberal Democrat.

That’s all well and good.

The number of spoilt papers?

Has gone up.

Well done, everyone’s who done that.

I’ve always felt that if you don’t see anyone you like on a ballot paper, spoiling it is your only option.   At least, until the UK’s voting law allows an Abstain/None of the Above option*.

What bothers me?

Is simply that I’ve had to download those results on my phone. 

Brentwood government’s site won’t — in this one instance, and on a desktop  — do the same.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Anne (Badwolf)†, Olga‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) May 4th is Star Wars Day.   The Star Wars film that’s gets released in December 2019 … is called what?
Q2) Ken Livingston was elected as London’s first Mayor: on 4th May, 2000.   Who’s the current mayor?
Q3) True or False: 4th May is International Firefighters’ Day.
Q4) 4th May is Bird Day in the US.   What’s the oldest birding watching group in the USA?
Q5) Finally … ?   The first Grammy Awards were held: on 4th May, 1959.   Who are The awards even to: actors, musicians or writers?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The novel, Gone with the Wind, won the Pulitzer Prize: on 3rd May, 1937.   It was set during which country’s Civil War?
A1) The USA.
Q2) Who wrote Gone with the Wind?
Q3) Much of the book’s action is set in which city?
A3) Atlanta.
Q4) Gone with the Wind mentions whom, fourteen times?
Q5) Finally … ?   Who’s the main character of Gone with the Wind?
A5) Scarlett O’Hara.   (Apparently, the character’s first name is Katie …)
Here’s a thought …
“I’m beginning to understand myself. But it would have been great to be able to understand myself when I was 20 rather than when I was 82.”
Dave Brubeck, December 6, 1920 – December 5, 2012.
And some #Brubeck

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        MPs and councillors are allowed to abstain.   Why aren’t voters?

†        Morning, Anneª: thanks for the thought.   (I’m fine: but concerned for my sister, and for Jude.)

‡        Cheers, Olgaª.   You’re right: it’s always the way, isn’t it … ?

^        Cheers, Debbiª, thanks for the thought: like I said to Badwolf/Anne, I’m well … 

ª        All this … ?   And, of course, it’s Mum’s birthday, today … !   Oy … !


  1. Q1) The Rise of Skywalker
    Q2) Sadiq Khan
    Q3) True
    Q4) The Nuttall Ornithological Club
    Q5) Musicians
    I was also chosen for an official survey recently and only got a pen to show for it... Oh well. (I can't understand the design of many of the bags either. Most of them seem to assume people are giants and/or have very short arms...).
    Have a good Saturday.

  2. (1) The Rise of Skywalker (2)Sadiq Khan(3)True (4) The Nuttall Ornithological Club,(5)musicians

  3. Well, happy birthday to your mum! :)

    1. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
    2. Sadiq Khan
    3. True (and I had no idea)
    4. the National Audubon Society
    5. musicians


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