
Thursday 13 June 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th June, 2019.

13th June, 2019.

Right … 

It’s officially true: I can sleep through a bomb going off.

Well, ok, maybe not: that’s me doing some … you know … exaggeration … 

I actually had enough cash, yesterday, to get a bus up to town: which is when a neighbour — Wally, bless him, taking the same bus — told me about the drug raid that had taken place.

A little bit close to home.

In the building next to mine.

I took that with a pinch of salt.

Let’s say I’m a sceptic, shall we?

Then I got home, and had a chance to look both at the local news, and the BBC’s teletext service.

Which I immediately cross referenced with the BBC’s news site.

Yep.   There’d been a raid.   In the building next door.

I think I know one or two of the eight arrested parties.   At least to say ‘Hello’ to.   Which is worrying … 


Drug raids: we’ve had a few, over the years.

I’m personally, thankful it’s not another murder … 


Oh, just as a quick thought … ?

Before I go anywhere else?

I’ve been doing a little bed-time reading, over the past few weeks: and finished Ward Moore’s Bring the Jubilee.

It’s a fascinating read: with a twisty ending when the main character realises exactly who’s been killed in the key chapter.

About my only complaint?   Was that the edition I read really could’ve been proof-read, correctly.

There was a serious lack of apostrophes* … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf†, Olga‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 13th June, 1967, saw the Soviet Government call for the UN to issue a resolution … against which country?
Q2) The Edict of Milan was posted on 13th June, 313AD: by Valerius Licinius and his co-emperor.   Who was that co-emperor?
Q3) 13th June, 1943, saw the birth of actor, Malcolm McDowell.   In which film does he play Mick Travis … for the third time?
Q4) Actress Kathy Burke, was borne on 13th June, 1964.   What was her debut film?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Hayabusa probe returned to Earth: on 13th June, 2010.   Which country’s space agency had launched the probe … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 12th June, 1898, saw the Philippines declare themselves independent.   From where?
A1) Spain.
Q2) Three inmates escaped from Alcatraz prison: on 12th June, 1962.   The prison is on Alcatraz Island: and about a mile from The coast of which US city?
Q3) Notorious militant, Derek Hatton, was expelled from Britain’s Labour Party: on 12th June, 1986.   He was formally re-admitted, when: 2015, 2017 or 2019?
A3) 2019.   In early February.   He was expelled again … in late February …
Q4) 12th June, 1952, saw the birth of the late Pete Farndon.   He was a founder member of which band?
Q5) Finally … ?   Sportsman, Lewis Moody, was born on 12th June, 1978.   What does he play: Rugby union or Rugby league?
A5) Rugby union.
Here’s a thought …
“The definition of insanity in Texas is so insane that it's impossible to be insane in Texas.”
Malcolm McDowell, born 13th June, 1943.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        A very noticeable lack of apostrophes.   Contractions got changed from I’ve to Ive, for example, and you’d have no way of seeing if it was the plural, apostrophes, or something apostrophe’s owned.   Either the proofreaders were hopeless, or the typesetters had run out of lead … 

†        Morning, Anne!   :D   Yeah, he was a Russian chap.   From what I know, he and Ernő Rubik, the Hungarian chap behind the Cube, didn’t see a penny, initially: because of how their respective Communist countries handled these things.

‡        I know exactly where you’re coming from, there, Olga!   I usually do try and get to an interview good and early, where possible.   AND suffer the same sort of nerves!   The irony?   Is that I worked at the Stratford VAT office, back in the day.   But the whole area’s really changed!   (I think the hotel the interview/assessment is at?   Is about where the old VAT office was … )

^        Cheers, Debbi!   :D   Oh, hope you enjoyed the Skateboard mention!   That’s a thought … Do you remember Rani, in The Sarah Jane Adventures?   Turns out Anjli Mohindra, the actress who played her, is cropping up in Doctor Who, series twelve.


  1. (1)Israel (2)Constantine the Great (3) Britannia Hospital(4) Scrubbers (5)Uchinoura Space Center

  2. Q1) Israel
    Q2) Constantine the Great
    Q3) Britannia Hospital
    Q4) Scrubbers (you’ve made her ten years older. She was born in 1964, it seems).
    Q5) Japan
    Wow! I hope no more police visits, even if they seem to keep it quiet... (perhaps you were wearing headphones...)

  3. Interesting! :)

    The book you're reading sounds intriguing. You should definitely look for The Cooler and Ferret by George Markstein. Definite shades of The Prisoner.

    And the MacDowell quote is hilarious!

    1. Israel
    2. Constantine the Great
    3. if....
    4. Scrubbers
    5. Japan


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