
Wednesday 26 June 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26-6-2019: William 4th.

26th June, 2019

It’s true: I’m feeling mildly cynical.

Blame my age, maybe!

At any rate, the most exciting thing that’s happened since I’ve got up … ?

Is that Pages, Keynote and Numbers have been updated.

And you can now do all sorts of weird and wonderful things with the fonts: as Apple have added some font effects.


That looks … 

Well, they’ll make the Teaser videos look interesting.

And some very subdued ones may — may — make my CV look eye-catching.

We’ll see.


Just as a quick, and minor, piece of news … ?

Did you ever hear about the Raspberry Pi, the British made, single board computer: that’s started life as an educational tool?

Well, the fourth version’s been released: which will possibly add to the machine’s position as the UK’s best selling computer.

There’s something else.

One has been used to hack NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab.

That … ?

Is what I call advertising … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) William 4th acceded the throne of the UK: on the 26th June, 1830.   He was the last king from which dynasty?
Q2) William 4th was born in what was Buckingham House.   What’s Buckingham House now called?
Q3) From 1791 to 1811, William 4th wasn’t married.   To whom?
Q4) In which year did he die?
Q5) Finally … He was succeeded by the last monarch from his dynasty.   Who was that?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 25th June, 2015, saw the death of Patrick Macnee.   In which film did he play Sir Denis Eton-Hogg?
Q2) The tenth state to ratify the US Constitution, did so on 25th June, 1788.   Which state was it?
A2) Virginia.
Q3) Mozambique gained its Independence from Portugal: on 25th June, 1975.   What’s Mozambique capital city?
A3) Maputo.
Q4) 25th June, 2017, saw the World Health Organisation release estimates: about the amount of cholera cases in which country?
A4) Yemen.
Q5) The Rainbow flag was first flown on 25th June, 1978.   In a Gay Pride march in which US city?
Here’s a thought …
“I have my view of things, and I tell them to my ministers. If they do not adopt them, I cannot help it. I have done my duty.”
William 4th.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Anne.   How’s today … ?   (You know, I KEEP seeing Game of Thrones ads going past … !)

†        Cheers, Olga.   It’s … rough, at the mo.   I have managed to start on Good Omens, though.

‡        Don’t worry, Debbi: there’s a few five question sets coming up.   (How did the last batch of treatment go … ?)


  1. (1) Hanover.(2)Buckingham Palace (3) Dorothea Bland(4)1837 (5) Victoria
    Game Thrones Adds yes I find it quite humorous, maybe to brainwash us I guess they are promoting the season 8 DVD release or Games related to the show lol

  2. Q1) The House of Hanover
    Q2) Buckingham Palace
    Q3) Dorothea Bland
    Q4) 1837
    Q5) Queen Victoria
    Take care, and let me know how Debby's treatment is going. I saw your comment...

  3. Q1) The House of Hanover
    Q2) Buckingham Palace
    Q3) Dorothea Bland
    Q4) 1837
    Q5) Queen Victoria
    I'm probably posting this for the second time, but I accidentally closed the page after submission and wasn't sure if it had processed it or not. Take lots of care.

  4. Oh, thank you, Paul! :)

    The treatments still haven't helped a lot. But some treatments take longer than others to have an affect. And even so ... well, what can I say? :)

    1. House of Hanover
    2. Buckingham Palace
    3. Dorothea Bland
    4. 1837
    5. Ernest Augustus (not Queen Victoria, right?)


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