
Thursday 11 July 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-7-2019: World Population Day

11th July, 2019.

Believe it or not … ?

I’m off to hospital, again, today.

For a CT scan.

I have to admit it’s … 

I’ve had had one, before now: so the actual scan, itself, isn’t worrying.

What’s worrying?

I gave up smoking, several years ago: which is good.

But, of course, having a the second of two CT scans for my lungs?

You can possibly appreciate that getting the results … ?

Is nerve-racking.

And you’ll excuse the language, I hope, but the getting the potential results is scaring the shit out of me.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 11th July is World Population Day.   It was introduced by which UN programme?
Q2) According to the Wikipedia entry about the day, the population increases by 100 million, every how often: fourteen months, fifteen months or sixteen months?
Q3) What’s the world’s most populated country: China, India or the USA?
Q4) What — as of 1st July, 2018 — is the world’s most densely populated country: Monaco, Singapore, or Vatican City?
Q5) Finally … ?   When — According to Wikipedia — did the world’s human population reach six billion?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Bloody Sunday hit Belfast on 10th July.   In which year?
A1) 1921.
Q2) The highest temperature to occur on Earth — 134 ºF/57ºC — happened on 10th July, 1913.   But in which Californian landmark?
A2) Death Valley: specifically, in Furnace Creek.   (The record is heavily disputed.)
Q3) 10th July, 2000, saw one in four people in the UK using what: tobacco, radios or the internet … ?
Q4) Northern Ireland Secretary, William Whitelaw, had a very private meeting with whom, on 10th July, 1972?
A4) The Provisional IRA.
Q5) Finally … ?   The Massacre of the Innocents was sold for £49.5 million: on 10th July, 2002.   Who painted The Massacre of the Innocents?
Here’s a thought or two …
“Every moment dies a man, every moment 1 1/16 is born.”
Charles Babbage.
“Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio, Subsistence, increases only in an arithmetical ratio.”
Thomas Robert Malthus.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah, I should’ve put the game trailer up, Anne.   I’ve got a new game controller for the Apple TV: and I’m having a lot of fun with Sonic the Hedgehog 1!

†        Oh, I seem to recall the Deep South’s had a reputation, Olga.   I think things have improved: but?   The fact the #BlackLivesMatter campaign is active says a lot.   Either way … ?   I’m just glad I’m out of the hospitality industry.   (Funny old thing: Apple have been using Californian land marks as names for versions of the Mac operating system.   I don’t know if they’ll be using ‘Death Valley,’ it doesn’t sound too stunning!)

‡        Not wrong at all, I’d’ve said, Debbi!   But it sounds about right.   I know, after ten years, I’ve got the blog posts down to a rough set of templates.   I know she tended to do a lot of historical romances, though: I’d assume she had a lot of mental templates.   I’ve not read her either, there was just too much pink chiffon … (Oh, about the film … ?   You’ve got mail …)


  1. (1) United Nations Development Programme (2) 14 months(3). China (4) Vatican City(5) 1999
    Looks good that game trailer its while since I've played games

  2. Q1) The United Nations Development Programme
    Q2) fourteen months
    Q3) China
    Q4) Monaco
    Q5) October 12, 1999
    I hope the test goes well. Keep us posted on the results. Oh, before I forget, I'll be going away on Tuesday and won't be back until the end of August. We're going to the little hamlet in the North of Spain where my Dad was born and I don't have regular access to internet when I'm there, so don't worry if you don't see me around very often. (We're renting a car this time, but not sure how often I'll be able to connect anyway, and we have a few things to try to sort out).
    Death Valley is actually stunning. (We didn't have time to see everything, but it is quite special)

  3. I saw! Thank you! :)

    1. the United Nations Development Programme
    2. fourteen months
    3. China
    4. Monaco
    5. 1998 (it was originally 1999, but was later revised)


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