
Wednesday 10 July 2019

Years and Years — Series 1— Episode 1.2 — A Review

10th July, 2019.

Did I mention I’d been to hospital, this week?

I’ve been to hospital, this week: on Monday, if you must know.

Believe it or not?

Getting hold of what’s called a CPAP machine: designed to help me breath whilst sleeping.

I’ve another appointment, tomorrow.

For a CT scan on my lungs.

Am I worried?

Fuck, yes.

I’m hoping that — as my GP has assured me — that it’s nothing serious.

I hope so.

Anything involving my lungs is worrying.

Given my paternal grandfather died of lung cancer?

Well, you can appreciate me worrying.


At any rate, is — beyond worrying — there anything I can do about this, right now?



All I can do tonight, is relax: and enjoy myself.


I’ve caned the iPlayer, again … 

And watched episode 2 of Year and Years … 


Episode 1.2 opens in 2025, a year after the Hong Shao Dao bombing.

Edith (Jessica Hynes) has returned to the UK: after the explosion, her health is looking iffy.

Daniel (Russell Tovey)… ? Is divorcing Ralph, and living with Victor (Maxim Baldry.)

Viv Rook … ?   Has just won a by-election: introducing a new bit of kit I the process.

And Stephen (Rory Kinnear) and Celeste (T'Nia Miller)?

Are having troubles of their own: as, with Celeste’s employers have collapsed, they have to downsize … 

The problem, there … ?

Is the run on the bank that’s left them literally penniless … 


Now, I’m going to apologise if this post is a little short … 

But I’m … worrying … about the morning: and going to try and get some sleep.

Before I do?

I’ll stress that this second episode of Years and Years is another great episode.

One that contributes to the on-going story …

And has me convinced Russell T. Davies is a TV writing genius …

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