
Wednesday 17 July 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-7-2019: World Emoji Day

17th July, 2019.

Right … it’s a Wednesday.

Officially, a Wednesday.

And, if it isn’t?

My calendar is lying.

At any rate … ?

I’m actually due a delivery, today: of a new oven.

Between 11:30 and 15:30.

Hopefully?   They’ll be able to get the new one in, and the old one, out, in good time.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 17th July is World Emoji Day.   In which year was it fist marked?
Q2) The word, emoji, comes from which language?
Q3) The word originally meant what: ideograph, smiley or pictograph?
Q4) Emojis have their origins on what: desktop computers, tablets or mobile phones?
Q5) The emoji technically called U+1F346 is used in parts of the world to represents the male genitals.   It’s actually what?
Q6) U+1F44C is the OK emoji.   The gesture, itself?   Gets used — along side the phrase, “Be seeing you” — in which TV show?
Q7) Sending the U+1F929 emoji, is one way of telling someone you’re … what: in love, panicking or starstruck?
Q8) Which starting is represented by U+2653?
Q9) U+2693 will be present on many sea going vessels.   It’s a what … ?
Q10) Finally … ?   The Emoji Movie was first released in which year … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Apollo 11 mission to the Moon was launched: on 16th July of which year?
A1) 1969.
Q2) It was launched by NASA: the National Aeronautics and Space … what?
A2) Agency.
Q3) The mission had a three man crew: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin … and who else?
Q4) That third crew member designed the mission’s what: flight controls, insignia or space helmet?
A4) Insignia.
Q5) Finally … ?   Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon.   The third member piloted what?
A5) The Apollo 11 Command module.
Here’s a thought …
“Emojis are by no means taking away from our written language but rather accentuating it by providing a tone that words on their own often cannot. They are, in a sense, the most evolved form of punctuation we have at our disposal.”
Emmy J. Favilla.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Anne!   Yeah, shoving stuff on an airer’s a pain.   Especially, today: I’m going to have to move the things to let the delivery in!

†        I’m keeping my fingers crossed about that medical test, Olga: it could be seriously bag.   Here’s hoping … And here’s hoping the local job gets in touch!   Either way … ?   Enjoy the time off: send us a metaphorical post card!

‡        Well, that’s a relief, Debbi! :D.  (Oh, SOMEONE get’s a mention in today’s Teaser video … )


  1. (1)2014 (2)Japanese (3) pictograph (4) mobile phones(5) Egg Plant (6) The Prisoner (7) Panicking (8)Pisces (9)Ship
    I have back garden a bit ago I had a flat with my exhusband we only had a veranda and clothes horse what a nightmare getting things dry we couldn't avoid using the tumble dryer

  2. Ah, would that be Mr. McGoohan? :) I noticed his show is mentioned.

    1. 2014
    2. Japan
    3. pictograph
    4. mobile phones
    5. eggplant
    6. The Prisoner
    7. starstruck
    8. Pisces
    9. anchor
    10. 2017


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