
Thursday 18 July 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th July, 2019.

18th July, 2019.

Yes: my floor’s a state.

Yes: the steam cleaner can only help so far.

But, yes: I managed to get as much of it cleaned up … when my new oven got both delivered.

It amazes the amount of crap that builds up in the gaps you can’t normally get at.


Did you know Facebook were planning to introduce their own cryptocurrency?

Something called Libra.

I get the impression that’s not necessarily going to go well: although the company claims it will make sending money internationally a lot easier, regulators are uneasy.

I also note that the blockchain part — the chain of servers underpinning a cryptocurrency — is going to be limited to a few servers.

Unlike Bitcoin: where the likes of you and I can run a bitcoin mine, regardless of how well we understand the maths.


We’ll have to see how that one goes.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring nine out of ten, and Anne on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 18th July is Nelson Mandela International Day: also known as Mandela Day.   It makes the date of his what: birth, the start of his trial in Rivonia, or death?
Q2) 18th July, 1966, saw the arrest of which US serial killer?
Q3) Patricia Cahill and Karen Smith were arrested in Thailand,
 on 18th July, 1990.   On suspicion of smuggling what: rhino horn, heroin or child pornography?
Q4) 18th July, 1895, saw the birth of George Barnes: better known as which gangster?
Q5) Finally … ?   18th July, 1848, saw the birth of cricketer, W. G. Grace.   In his last years of first class cricket — from 1900 to 1904 — he played for which side?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 17th July is World Emoji Day.   In which year was it fist marked?
A1) 2014.
Q2) The word, emoji, comes from which language?
A2) Japanese.   (From the Japanese word, ‘e’ — 絵, picture — and moji — 文字, character.
Q3) The word originally meant what: ideograph, smiley or pictograph?
Q4) Emojis have their origins on what: desktop computers, tablets or mobile phones?
Q5) The emoji technically called U+1F346 is used in parts of the world to represents the male genitals.   It’s actually what?
A5) The aubergine, eggplant or brinjal, depending on where you are …
Q6) U+1F44C is the OK emoji.   The gesture, itself?   Gets used — along side the phrase, “Be seeing you” — in which TV show?
Q7) Sending the U+1F929 emoji, is one way of telling someone you’re … what: in love, panicking or starstruck?
Q8) Which starting is represented by U+2653?
A8) Pisces.
Q9) U+2693 will be present on many sea going vessels.   It’s a what … ?
A9) Anchor.
Q10) Finally … ?   The Emoji Movie was first released in which year … ?
A10) 2017.
Here’s a thought …
“The wicked are wicked, no doubt, and they go astray and they fall, and they come by their deserts: but who can tell the mischief which the very virtuous do?”
Chapter 20, The Newcomes, William Makepeace Thackeray.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m with you there, Anne!   Except I don’t have a verandah.   Usually, in summer, I end up drying my t-shirts on airers, in the hallway.   It was the only way to avoid using the old tumbler.   (The neighbours complained bout the noise from the old tumbler!)

†        I thought you might notice that, Debbi!   (On of these day’s I’ll have to do a write up about The Prisoner …)


  1. (1) Birthday (2)Richard Speck (3) heroin (4)Machine Gun Kelly (5) London County
    A noisy Tumble dryer is a nuisance, I used to put clothes out washing machine on hangers let them dry on the hanger

  2. I look forward to that! :)

    1. birth
    2. the Cincinnati Strangler
    3. heroin
    4. Machine Gun Kelly
    5. London County Cricket Club


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