
Sunday 1 September 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-9-2019: Invasion

1st September, 2019

OK: I’m definitely a bit tired: those eight hour shifts are long!

If you’ve ever run a Marathon?

It’s possibly comparable.


I usually end up with legs that feel like abused bits of lead piping.

Not nice … !


You’ve possibly realised I take a mild interesting in technology?

I take a mild interesting in technology … !

And in in media: I like watching film and TV show.

I’ve always taken a mild interesting in video piracy: they’s been around as long as there’s been some sort of video on-demand.


Seeing this piece on the BBC’s news website, about the arrest of eight people who ran various illegal streaming sites?

Only confirms what I’ve believed for a while.

It’s very hard to get rid of video pirates.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st September, 1939, saw the informal start of World War 2: when Germany invaded Poland.   This year sees which anniversary of the invasion: the 70th, 80th or 90th?
Q2) Which country was Germany’s partner in the invasion: Slovenia, Slovakia or the Czech Republic?
Q3) Germany’s Nazi regime launched the invasion: after a (faked) attack on a what: TV station, radio station or server farm?
Q4) Supposedly?   German tanks were attacked by Polish what: cats, cavalry or lancers?
Q5) Finally … ?   The invasion led to Poland’s occupation.   By Nazi Germany, and where else … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 31st August, AD12, saw the birth of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus: also known as Caligula.   Caligula means little … what?
A1) Boots.
Q2) Who was Caligula’s predecessor as Roman Emperor?
A2) Tiberius Caesar Divi Augusti filius Augustus: also called Tiberius.
Q3) Caligula started his reign, in which year: AD37, AD39 or AD41?
A3) AD37.
Q4) According to legend, Caligula planned to make his favourite horse a consul.   What was that horses name?
A4) Incitatus.
Q5) Finally … ?   Caligula was finally assassinated by a group led by the head of the Praetorian Guard.   Who was that head?
Here’s a thought …
“To Hitler, the conquest of Poland would bring Lebensraum, or “living space,” for the German people.”
From the entry on the Invasion.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Anne!   I hope the links help.   If you hit the Older Posts link at the bottom, that’ll take to the … um … older posts … … He says … 

†        That’s exactly what I said, Debbi!   Food … !   To be fair, I think the person asking the question was very young.   And, yes, Caligula had a temper.   Although Hugh could be worse … (Have you heard about Texas … ?)


  1. (1) 70years (2)Slovakia (3)radio station (4)cavalry(5)
    Thank you for the links very appreciated

  2. Q1) 70th
    Q2) Slovakia
    Q3) A radio station
    Q4) Cavalry
    Q5) The Soviet Union
    Sorry for being out of touch for so long, but although I came back on Wednesday, I’ve been helping at the local radio station, Sants 3 Ràdio, as they do live coverage of the district festa major (big fête organised every year, with street decorations, activities for children and adults, music, dance, and all kinds of things). Yesterday it was the award ceremony to the best decorated street, with all kinds of people coming (and I gave a gift to a singer supporter of the radio station, from the neighbourhood, Núria Feliu) so it’s been busy). I see you got a job! Sorry to have missed many of the news, but other than the e-mails, the mobile connection where we were wasn’t too good either (I got increased data access on my phone, but that’s no good if the data cannot reach it). Even when I went to the nearby town, sometimes the connection there was rubbish as well, and had to try several places (and abandoned after a while). I hope everything is good with you all, and I’m sure I’ll get up to date soon enough.

  3. Oh, gosh, did I write 70 as my answer for the first question? It was 80! Well, anyway, as you see, I need to get my brain in gear...

  4. I'm afraid I have heard. And the more I hear, the more I'd like to scream into a pillow. :)

    Have you seen this? As you would say, "Ahem!" :)

    1. 80th
    2. Slovakia
    3. radio station
    4. cavalry
    5. the Soviet Union


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