
Monday 30 September 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-9-2019: Suleiman the Magnificent

30th September, 2019.

Yep: I’m officially back to work, tonight.

Granted: it’s only four hours,

But I’m OK with that.

It means I’m standing around for less time … 

It also means that — should certain items turn up from Amazon and Ebay — I’m more likely to be in.


What with one thing and another?

I noticed this piece on the BBC’s news site: where Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia — the country’s effective leader — denies ordering the death of journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.

Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?

But ALSO that Iran — in its support of Houthi rebels in Iran — will have a huge effect on the global oil prices.

He’d say that, too: JUST to get support.

My own personal thinking … ?

Well, I’m no policy wonk, no economics expert … 

But can’t help but think that having vehicles that aren’t reliant on petrol, a lot earlier than have been introduced?

Would have made that less of an issue … 


Just as a final thought … ?

The Today programme’s covering a story: that the UK’s current Health Secretary — Matt Hancock — is considering making vaccinations compulsory.

Which is all to the good, I think.

Granted, many devout Muslims, Jews and Christian will have issues.

But it would be a helpful way of challenging vaccines deniers.

What caught me?   Was that someone on the Today programme said it would ‘provoke a democratic crisis.’

My cynical side … ?

Tells me no-one would notice … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Olga and Anne on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Suleiman the Magnificent was proclaimed ruler of the Ottoman Empire.   On 30th September of which year?
Q2) As ruler, what was his title?
Q3) Suleiman was a member of which house?
Q4) What was Suleiman’s — and the empire’s — capital city?
Q5) Finally … ?   Suleiman’s main residence would have been which palace?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 29th September, 1810, saw the birth of writer, Elizabeth Gaskell.   Her first book, Mary Barton, was published in which year?
A1) 1848.
Q2) 29 September, 1931, saw the birth of Anita Ekberg.   She’s best known for her appearance in which Fellini film?
A2) La Dolce Vita.   Cue the music … 
Q3) Which Space Shuttle did NASA launch: on 29th September, 1988?
A3) The Discovery.   (It was the first launch since the Challenger disaster.)
Q4) The Treaty of Lisbon was signed: on 29th September, 1864.   The Treaty defines the border between Portugal … and where?
A4) Spain.
Q5) Finally … ?   29th September, 1911, saw Italy start a war: with which Empire?
A5) The Ottoman Empire.
Here’s a thought …
“The people think of wealth and power as the greatest fate, But in this world a spell of health is the best state.”
Suleiman the Magnificent, 6 November 1494 – 6 September 1566.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, I got your reply, Anne.   The 5th October’s Teaser will be right up your street.

†        Will do, Olga: it looks an interesting site.   As for La Llorona?   It’s certainly watchable: at least, I thought so^.   I didn’t realise it’s based on an old Mexican folk tale: one that crops up in many parts of the world.   There’s even a Guatemalan movie built on it.   (You know, I could’ve sworn I saw a cartoon, many years ago: about a bunch of mice who build a rocket to the moon, to find the green cheese.   Blowed if I could find it, though!)

‡        It’s those childhood cartoons, Debbi, I’m sure of it!   Oh … I was reading that — in context — that a green cheese is a young cheese.   That’s a disappointment!   Oh, I caught The photos, by the way.   Is that due to be realised in the UK … ?

^        It’s on the UK branch of Amazon Prime: I’d imagine it’s hit the Spanish one, too.


  1. Q1) 1520
    Q2) Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (I think…)
    Q3) Ottoman
    Q4) Constantinople (now Istanbul)
    Q5) The Topkapi Palace
    Thanks, Paul. I think you're right about La Llorona and it's available on Prime... Oh, talking about fuels and ecologically sound decisions, I'm reading quite an interesting book about it...
    I have a lot left to read yet, but well, it's interesting. (Oh, and I agree on your comment about the vaccines as well. I don't see how putting others at risk should be deemed a human right).

  2. 1520,Sultan,Ottoman,Topkapı Palace
    look forward to Saturdays quiz

  3. Which photos are those? The documentary? I think they're making it just for medical use.

    1. 1520
    2. Sultan
    3. Osmon or Ottoman
    4. Söğüt
    5. Topkapi Palace


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