
Tuesday 1 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-10-2019: Lincolnshire Day.

1st October, 2019.

It’s got to be said, Christmas presents are on the move.

At least … 

In theory.

I ordered a few bits on Saturday: from both Ebay and Amazon.

The 28th, so you know.

The stuff from Ebay?

Has been posted.





You get my point.

The items from Amazon, on the other hand … ?

Are still in a warehouse, somewhere … 

Ho … 

Hum … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Badwolf† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st October is Lincolnshire Day.   What’s Lincolnshire’s county town?
Q2) The day was chosen to mark the Lincolnshire Uprising: against which English king?
Q3) Lincolnshire is the second largest ceremonial county by area.   What’s the largest: North Yorkshire, Devon or Essex?
Q4) The county’s listed in the Domesday Book: under what name?
Q5) The county’s flag has a red cross, with a yellow border, and blue and green squares.   In the centre, there’s a yellow … what?   (Today’s video has a clue.)
Q6) The coast of Lincolnshire is on which sea?
Q7) A person from Lincolnshire is a yeller … what?
Q8) One of those yeller people was Arthur Lucan: who was better known as which drag character?
Q9) The second Lucasian Professor of Mathematics came from Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, in Lincolnshire.   Who was that professor?
Q10) Finally … ?   Lincolnshire sausages are usually flavoured with what: rosemary, sage or fennel?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Suleiman the Magnificent was proclaimed ruler of the Ottoman Empire.   On 30th September of which year?
A1) 1520.
Q2) As ruler, what was his title?
A2) Sultan.
Q3) Suleiman was a member of which house?
A3) The House of Osman.
Q4) What was Suleiman’s — and the empire’s — capital city?
A4) Constantinople: also known as Istanbul, and Byzantium.
Q5) Finally … ?   Suleiman’s main residence would have been which palace?
A5) The Topkapı Palace.
Here’s some poetry …
“At length I saw a lady within call,

Stiller than chisell’d marble, standing there;

A daughter of the gods, divinely tall,

And most divinely fair.”
st. 22, A Dream of Fair Women, by Alfred Lord Tennyson: originally born in Somersby, Lincolnshire.
And possibly the world’s best known Numbers Station …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think I know it, Olga: or, at least I’ve seen it mentioned!   I’ll have to see if I can add it to my wish list.   That’s assuming Amazon delivers!   As for vaccines … ?   About the only problem with I can see with it, is the amount of conservative religious groups — Christian, Muslim, Jewish, et al — who’d cause a stink.   It’s possibly the one bit of law that would need a group of theologians working on it: to come up with counterarguments!   (It strikes me the Jehovah’s Witnesses — with their habit of not accepting blood donations — would have issues.)

†        It’s a good one, Anne: at least, I think so.   I saw a few movies, recently, that got me thinking … 

‡        That’s the one, Debbi.   It’s aimed at medics, only?   That seems a shame, somehow.   I’ve got one (extra) question, though.   Did you get your shoe back?   (One of Terry Pratchett’s throwaway creations?   Was the Eater of Socks.   It lives in washing machines … )


  1. Q1) Lincoln
    Q2) Henry VIII
    Q3) North Yorkshire
    Q4) Lindsey
    Q5) Fleur-de-lys
    Q6) The North Sea
    Q7) bellies
    Q8) Old Mother Riley
    Q9) Sir Isaac Newton
    Q10) sage
    I love Lincoln Cathedral and there are plenty of bookshops there, but it's one of those places where one needs to beware (if you go by car) where you park, because the cathedral and most of the old town is on top of a steep hill, so it does test your stamina.
    Amazon offers the opportunity to visit one of their warehouses, to see how it works, and I'm half tempted (there is one in the outskirts of Barcelona, but not having a car I'm not sure how difficult it might be to reach the exact location).

  2. Lincoln, Henry VIII,Yorkshire,Greater Domesday, plants,e North Sea, belly,Old Mother Riley, Sir Isaac Newton, sage,

  3. Yes, fortunately. I did get my shoe back. :)

    1. Lincoln
    2. Henry VIII
    3. North Yorkshire
    4. Lindsey
    5. Fleur-de-lis
    6. North Sea
    7. belly
    8. Old Mother Riley
    9. Isaac Newton
    10. sage

    Wow! I did it! Both hands. I keep at this in the hope that it helps! :)

    I also learn more than the average Yank about European/British/UK history/geography/politics/etc! :-D


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