
Wednesday 2 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-10-2019: Gandhi Jayanti

2nd October, 2019.

Did I mention it was my sister, Ruth’s, birthday, yesterday?

I didn’t … ?

It was my sister, Ruth’s, birthday, yesterday.   So you know.

And, inevitably?

We ended up having a posh meal: at a little place called the White Hart, in Margaretting.

In their all weather space pods, I should add.

Which were nice.

But very cramped … !


Oh, as a quick thought … ?

Apparently, here in the UK, internet usage spikes on Wednesdays.

At nine in the evening.

That’s … 

Interesting to know if you write pub quizzes.

But possibly not the first thing you’re going to wonder about … 

Unless your download’s hanging on a Wednesday … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi on ten out of ten, and Anne on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 2nd October is Gandhi Jayanti, and marks the life of M. K. Gandhi.   It’s marked in which country?
Q2) It marks Gandhi’s birth: in which year?
Q3) Gandhi was born in which state: Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat or Tamil Nadu?
Q4) Famously?   Gandhi opposed his country’s rule.   By whom: the USA, the USSR or the UK?
Q5) Finally … ?   Gandhi was assassinated in which year?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 1st October is Lincolnshire Day.   What’s Lincolnshire’s county town?
A1) Lincoln.
Q2) The day was chosen to mark the Lincolnshire Uprising: against which English king?
A2) Henry 8th.
Q3) Lincolnshire is the second largest ceremonial county by area.   What’s the largest: North Yorkshire, Devon or Essex?
Q4) The county’s listed in the Domesday Book: under what name?
A4) Lindsey.
Q5) The county’s flag has a red cross, with a yellow border, and blue and green squares.   In the centre, there’s a yellow … what?
A5) Fleurde lys.   Apparently, it’s a stylised lily.
Q6) The coast of Lincolnshire is on which sea?
A6) The North Sea.
Q7) A person from Lincolnshire is a yeller … what?
A7) A yeller/yellow belly.
Q8) One of those yeller people was Arthur Lucan: who was better known as which drag character?
Q9) The second Lucasian Professor of Mathematics came from Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, in Lincolnshire.   Who was that professor?
Q10) Finally … ?   Lincolnshire sausages are usually flavoured with what: rosemary, sage or fennel?
A10) Sage.
Here’s a thought …
“In reality there are as many religions as there are individuals …”
Hind Swaraj, Mohandas Gandhi.
And Gandhi’s favourite song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You know, Lincoln Cathedral^’s one of those places I keep meaning to have a look at, Olga: if I ever get the chance!   If was one of the tallest building’s on the planet … until a spire collapsed in the 16th century.   Hmmm … I know we’ve got an Amazon warehouse in Essex: blowed if I know where, though … !   (Apparently?   They call their warehouses, fulfilment centres.   Orwell must be giving that phrase a meaningful look … )

†        Morning, Anne: how IS the day … ?   Just about to do the video for Saturday, so you know.   I’ve finally tracked down some interesting music … 

‡        I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Debbi: I learn a lot, writing these things!   (Nice to know the hands were both on the go, yesterday … !)

^        Parking … tell me about parking, Olga!   The parking on my street’s ridiculous … !


  1. I’ve just worked out what the space pods reminded me of.

    This … 

  2. Q1) India
    Q2) 1869
    Q3) Gujarat
    Q4) The UK
    Q5) 1948
    Yes, fulfilment centres indeed. Happy belated birthday to your sister! I like the look of the space pods, although not so sure about the practicalities, depending on how many you are...

  3. India,1869,Gujarat,UK,1948
    Look forward to seeing your video on Saturday very interesting,

  4. Wow! Those space pods are ... futuristic, to say the least. :)

    1. India
    2. 1869
    3. Gujarat
    4. the UK
    5. 1948


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