
Thursday 3 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-10-19: The OJ Simpson Trial

3rd October, 2019.

Right … 

It’s definite: the stuff I’ve ordered from Amazon has now been officially despatched, and is on route.

And is due to turn up, by eight PM, tonight.

Here’s hoping … 


If you’ve been listening to the news, today?

You’ll realise that Royal Air Force  pilot, Flight Lieutenant Mathew Stannard, is going to become the first RAF pilot to launch a satellite.

In a modified Boeing 747.

It’s going to be launching a satellite!

All good.

Except, of course, I’m one of many people who are aware of the Black Arrow project.

The UK’s cancelled satellite launching project from the mid sixties.

The one satellite we launched is still up there.

Yes: it’s nice we doing something.

But the something we’re doing is catching up: with Elon, Jeff and the rest of the gang.

When we should have been one of three nations leading the pack.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 3rd September saw OJ Simpson found Not Guilty of killing his ex-wife.   On 3rd September of which year?
Q2) What was his ex-wife’s name?
Q3) She was killed along side the man described as her ‘friend.’   What was his name?
Q4) OJ was caught after a famous police chase.   He was in what: a truck, a car or a bike?
Q5) OJ was finally found guilty in a civil trial in 1997.   Of what: murder, wrongful death or manslaughter?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 2nd October is Gandhi Jayanti, and marks the life of M. K. Gandhi.   It’s marked in which country?
A1) India.
Q2) It marks Gandhi’s birth: in which year?
A2) 1869.
Q3) Gandhi was born in which state: Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat or Tamil Nadu?
A3) Gujarat.
Q4) Famously?   Gandhi opposed his country’s rule.   By whom: the USA, the USSR or the UK?
A4) The UK.
Q5) Finally … ?   Gandhi was assassinated in which year?
A5) 1948.
Here’s a thought …
“The jury took less than four hours to reach a unanimous decision in the trial that has gripped America for an entire year.”
From the BBC On This Day entry on the case.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, yes: fulfilment centres.   There’s so many comments we could make, Olga^!   As for the pods?   They’re not too bad: although I would have preferred a bigger gap between the chair and the table!   Saying that … ?   It was a nice experience, given the weather.   And, apparently?   They’re planning a few more.

†        I’m just hoping you’ll enjoy it, Anne.   It’s now officially done, so you know: emitted together, and audio added.   (There’s an add for Firefox that lets you download stuff from YouTube.   It’s handy for these situations …)

‡        They’re nice, Debbi^.   But cramped, if you’re built like me!   Still, they’re building more, it seems.   Hopefully, with more of a gap!

^        Drat!   I’ve got an earworm!


  1. 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson, Ron wrongful death
    I'm am looking forward to the video. I will be online on Saturday evening

  2. Q1) 1995
    Q2) Nicole Brown Simpson
    Q3) Ron Goldman
    Q4) A car (I never know what to call SUVs because some of them look like trucks but I think they are considered cars…). A Ford Bronco SUV
    Q5) Wrongful death (one wonders if there is such a thing as a rightful death, but I guess it depends on definitions of wrong and right).
    Good luck with the delivery!

  3. Very interesting! :) I haven't seen them here. Yet!

    1. 1995
    2. Nicole Brown
    3. Ronald Goldman
    4. a truck (or SUV, to be specific)
    5. wrongful death (not guilty, but liable--that's the civil term) :)


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