
Friday 4 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-10-2019: Buster

4th October, 2019.

Yes: it looks like I need to do a little shopping!

You’ve possibly guessed I would, have’t you?

My only hope … ?

Is simply this.

I hope I can avoid the rain … !


I have to admit, I’ve got Radio Four’s Today programme, again.

There’s the inevitable fuss about Brexit.

And the inevitable fuss: about Facebook’s plans to introduce FaceTime-style, end to end encryption across its platform.

I can go for that: I’d prefer my messages to be coded in transit, even if I’m not saying anything especially sensitive.

The government — at least, Home Office Minister, Priti Patel — has signed an open letter to Facebook, and it’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg: asking them not to.

Child safety, and all that.

OK: I can understand the argument.

I would still rather not have my privacy violated: because of the actions of a few.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Anne and Olga on five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 4th October saw the birth of Joseph Frank ‘Buster’ Keaton.   In which year?
Q2) His early performances were in the US equivalent to Victorian music hall.   That equivalent is known as which ‘V’?
Q3) Buster Was said to have given the nickname, ‘Buster,’ by an old family friend: who was ALSO a noted escapologist.   Which escapologist?
Q4) His first film appearance was in a 1917, Fatty Arbuckle, film called … what?
Q5) He first starring role in a full length, feature film?   Was in a 1920 film called what?
Q6) Which of his early films sees Buster playing every character, in the opening scenes?
Q7) Buster called signing with one studio the worst decision of his life.   Which film studio was he talking about?
Q8) He first for the company was 1928’s The … what?
Q9) Buster appeared in The Hollywood Revue of 1929.   Which comedy duo also appeared in the film?
Q10) Finally … ?   According to Orson Wells — and many others — what was Buster’s best film?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 3rd September saw OJ Simpson found Not Guilty of killing his ex-wife.   On 3rd September of which year?
A1) 1995.
Q2) What was his ex-wife’s name?
A2) Nicole Simpson.   (As with many?   She also used a combination of her maiden And married names:  Nicole Brown Simpson.)
Q3) She was killed along side the man described as her ‘friend.’   What was his name?
A3) Ron Goldman.
Q4) OJ was caught after a famous police chase.   He was in what: a truck, a car or a bike?
A4) A car: or SUV, if you want to be particular.
Q5) OJ was finally found guilty in a civil trial in 1997.   Of what: murder, wrongful death or manslaughter?
A5) Wrongful Death.
Here’s a thought …
“Stuntmen don’t get laughs.”
Buster Keaton.
And a video.   Of stunts!

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ll see you then, Anne!   Have a good time, ok … ?

†        It’s finally turned up, Olga … a couple of days after the Ebay delivery ordered on the same day!   What can I tell you … ?   Apart from the fact it seems messed up!   (Oh, about the SUV … ?   Everything I saw told me it’s a large car, rather than a small truck: much like the classic land rover …)

‡        Someone will come up with them, Debbi, I’m sure.   They’re … nice.   Oh, sorry about the score, yesterday: everything I saw told me an SUV’s a large car.   The classic Land Rover was possibly the model, there.   Oh, JUST as a thought … ?   I saw this piece.   I’m thinking they’ve been at the William Gibson … or the Bionic Man!


  1. As a final thought … ?

    Jackie Chan is a huge fan of Buster’s.

    You wouldn’t think so, would you?

  2. Q1) 1895
    Q2) Vaudeville
    Q3) Harry Houdini (it seems it was another of his father’s friends, an actor called George Pardey, who said it first, but nobody is sure and this version makes for a better story, for sure).
    Q4) The Butcher Boy
    Q5) The Saphead
    Q6) The Playhouse
    Q7) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
    Q8) Cameraman
    Q9) Karl Dane and George K. Arthur
    Q10) The General (I saw it at the Penistone Paramount, with live music accompaniment [I can’t remember the name of the musician, but I think somebody well-known played the Compton organ and he was fantastic. A great experience, especially because the cinema is almost as old as the movie).
    Great video! I think he would have loved parkour (or parcour…).
    Oh, tomorrow I’m taking part in an international long walk here ( and covering it for the radio as well, and I might join in a shorter walk on Sunday, so I’m not sure about the timing of both things. If I can I’ll visit and join in the quiz, but if you don’t see me around, I’m probably walking somewhere… (or too tired to join in)!
    I agree on that particular SUV, although some of them are so huge I wonder...

  3. SUVs are so big, I tend to equate them with trucks, so ... oh, well. :)

    1. 1895
    2. vaudeville
    3. Harry Houdini
    4. The Butcher Boy
    5. The Saphead
    6. The Play House
    7. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer or MGM
    8. Cameraman
    9. Laurel and Hardy
    10. The General

  4. BTW, I forgot to tell you that I'm reading a mystery set in contemporary London. And guess where one scene takes place ... (wait for it!) ... Cafe Nero! :)


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