
Sunday 6 October 2019

Hellraiser: Judgement — A Review.

6th October, 2019.

It’s Sunday.

I think … 

Hang on … 


It’s Sunday: and I’ve had the day off.

And, I should add, been looking after my nephew, Jude: who’s getting to that age where … 

Well … talking computers talking at him is hysterical.

If you’re on a Mac, and get the the chance?

Running this bit of code in Script Editor, will show you the sort of thing I mean … 

say "Hello Jude" using "Zarvox"say "My name is Zarvox" using "Zarvox"
say "Shush!" using "Zarvox"
say "I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts" using "Zarvox"
You should get the sort of thing that impresses eight year olds.


At any rate … ?

It’s a Sunday night I’ve had off.

And time — I felt — to catch a film.

Granted: I had enough in the collection to keep me indecisive for minutes …

Do I go for cheesy?   The Creature from The Black Lagoon or Inseminoid?

Something highly literary?   The Congress, for example?

Or something a touch grim … ?

Like the Gary J. Tunicliffe directed, Hellraiser: Judgement.

In as many sense of the word as you can think of … ?



Hellraiser: Judgement follows detectives Sean Carter (Damon Carney) and David Carter (Randy Wayne) in their investigation into a set of serial killings by a murderer caller the Preceptor.

So called because he models his crimes on the ten commandments.

They’re joined by Detective Christine Egerton (Alexandra Harris): who’s had orders to help the Carter brothers investigate the killings.

And to keep a watchful eye on the increasingly unbalanced Sean.

Meanwhile … ?

Meanwhile, events at 55, Ludovico Place are taking a turn for the interesting.

Hell’s not just waiting … 

But popping … 


Now … what did I make of this little lot … ?

I’ve got to admit, I don’t know that I’m completely stunned by Hellraiser: Judgement.

Granted, the scripting’s OK, the acting, ok, and the look and feel?

Is OK.

And has an interesting premise: detectives investigation crime that will literally drag them to hell.

And expands the background world: introducing the warring hellish factions right out of The Scarlet Gospels.

I grant you that … 

But … ?

I’m also aware it exists as something of an afterthought: Dimensions Films, the producers, made it as a piece of contractural filler.

In order to keep the rights to the franchise: and with just enough budget to survive.

As OK as Hellraiser: Judgement is?

It’s not quite OK enough.
Hellraiser: Judgement

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