
Wednesday 9 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th October 2019.

9th October, 2019.

Right … 

I’ve lost my job.

I’ve lost my job.

Or, at least?

Haven’t successfully completed my probation period.

Hmmm … 

I grant, there’s a lot I could be doing better, there: being slightly faster on the till, and opening my gob a bit less, would.

But … ?

Remember the interview I had where my adoption papers were at issue?

That was this job: for the branch of McColl’s in Warley.

There were one or two impressions I picked up.

One or two … personal opinions, that had me questioning my decision to start the job in the first place.

And something else.

Why was it that I was given the heave-ho by the area manager … when it should have been the store manager’s job?


At any rate … ?

One nice bit of news?

Is that I’ve been job hunting, while at the shop: we’ll have to see if that pays off.

That fact I can now claim help for fares to interviews*?

Is a good thing.

It’ll help.

But, I have managed to do some busy work: and managed to upgrade to macOS Catalina.

Which seems to have gone well.

The only downside is that dragging and dropping links to the Desktop seems to work differently.


The shift from the iTunes app, to the new Music, TV and Podcast apps has gone without hiccups.

The dynamic wallpaper is pin sharp.

And, if I had the money?

Apple Arcade would be very tempting …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf†, Olga‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Debbi and Olga on  five out of five, and Anne on four..

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 9th October is National Nanotechnology Day.   Where: the UK, USA or UAE?
Q2) 9th October is Leif Ericsson Day: in Norway, Canada and where else?
Q3) 9th October sees the US and Canada mark what: the Takayama Festival, Hangul Day or Fire Prevention Day?
Q4) 9th October, 1964, saw the birth of director, Guillermo del Toro.   Guillermo has dual citizenship.   He’s a citizen of Mexico … and which other country?
Q5) Tennis player, Hank Pfister, was born on 9th October, 1953.   His first professional tournament was held in which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 8th October saw the outbreak of the Second Opium War.   After the seizing of a cargo ship called … what?
A1) The Arrow.
Q2) The war started on 8th October of which year?
A2) 1856.
Q3) The war was between the UK … and which Asian nation?
A3) Imperial China: run, then, by the Qing Dynasty.
Q4) Which European nation were allied to Britain, during the War?
A4) France.
Q5) The war was ended by the Convention of Beijing: also called the Convention of Peking.   It legalised which trade?
A5) The Opium trade.
Here’s a thought …
“The point of being over 40 is to fulfil the desires you’ve been harbouring since you were 7.”
Guillermo del Toro, born 9th October, 1964.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s something I couldn’t do whilst working: as I had — in theory — enough money to pay for them, myself.   I had to turn a couple of interviews down, as they were nowhere near pay day.

†        Sounds like it went better than mine, Anneª!

‡        The updates went well enough, Olgaª.   The rest of the day … ?   Well … what can I tell you … ?   Apart from “I’m going to be at home, a lot …” … ?   At least I’ll be able to catch up with more TV and movies.   The books being on the way?   Give me something else to do … (You have To give it to the British empire.   It made the world safe for drug dealers …)

^        Doesn’t it just, Debbiª?   The Stainless Steel Rat books are a great deal of fun.   And written by Harry Harrison: the chap that wrote Make Room, Make Room?   “Soylent Green is People!”   (Thil will appeal.   The artist that draw the Rat for 2000AD, based him on James Coburn in Our Man, Flint.)

ª        Oh, about question three, today?   I wanted a bit of variety … 


  1. Q1) USA
    Q2) USA? Iceland? I’ve found different lists of countries in different places, so I’m not sure which one you were thinking of, although I saw there was a presidential proclamation in the USA about it…
    Q3) Fire Prevention Day.
    Q4) Do you mean the USA? I couldn’t find anything about dual citizenship and he also has a house in Canada, so I’m not sure… Not having a good day today… (I kept finding Benicio del Toro, who also has the Spanish citizenship… not that I knew that).
    Q5) United States, I think…
    I normally go through the questions first and then read the rest of the post, so when I did, yes, I guess the USA must be the answer to all the questions but 3, although at least for a couple of them I wasn’t a hundred per cent sure from the information I found.
    Sorry about the job. I hope the enquiries come up with something more suitable. And I’m pleased about the updates.
    I did watch the first episode of The Boys, and it does start with a bang and so far doesn’t pull any punches… We shall see.

  2. USA, Iceland,Fire Prevention Day, American,Alabama, U.S.

  3. I thought I saw the resemblance. :)

    1. USA
    2. Iceland and the US
    3. Fire Prevention Day
    4. Canada
    5. the US


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